Page 20 - Luce 2024
P. 20

N ews a nd  Events

          Small but Mighty!
          JCH Student Club Secretary,
          Chloe Robinson, celebrates Janet
          Clarke Hall’s sporting triumphs.

          In the world of intercollegiate sports,
          Janet Clarke Hall may be one of the
          smallest contenders, yet this year has
          shown that size doesn’t define success.
          As a student, I’ve witnessed our
          College’s journey through intercollegiate
          sport in 2023. Our volleyball, squash
          and badminton teams stood tall, earning
          Janet Clarke Hall a well-deserved spot
          on the sporting map.

                                           JCH mixed hockey team playing in the   Leo and Ilia, two of our finest chess
                                           men’s division                    competitors

                                           On the squash courts, our athletes   The chessboard became a battlefield
                                           painted a picture of determination and   of intellect, with each move carefully
                                           skill, guided by our elite student-athlete   calculated and executed.
                                           Kulvir Sharma to win the bronze medal
                                           match against St Hilda’s. Our squash   It has been amazing to see JCH’s eager
                                           team demonstrated that the size of our   participation in all sports (excluding
                                           College doesn’t determine the strength.   AFL!). We even gathered mixed teams
                                           Once again we witnessed the spirit of   to ensure participation in hockey and
                                           JCH and its phenomenal support.   cricket, and had a group of girls take
                                                                             on the river, some of whom had never
          JCH badminton team makes the top 4  Additionally, the JCH Chess Tournament   rowed before.
                                           of 2023 marked a significant event,
          The journey of our women’s volleyball   bringing together students of all skill   In a year where Janet Clarke Hall’s
          team this year was nothing short   levels for an intense and thrilling   sporting achievements surpassed
          of extraordinary. Despite being the   competition. Spanning three weeks,   expectations, we celebrate the
          underdogs, we progressed through the   participants engaged in multiple rounds   indomitable spirit of our athletes and
          competition with consecutive wins,   to showcase their strategic prowess and   our supporters. As the second smallest
          ultimately reaching the grand final   chess skills, sometimes even at ungodly   college, JCH’s sporting spirit knows no
          against International House! We left   hours of the morning.       bounds and we look forward to another
          everything on the court, securing second                           successful year in 2024.
          place with smiles on our faces, proud to   The pinnacle of the tournament unfolded
          have competed at such a high level. It   in the Senior Common Room, where
          was incredible to see so many JCHers up   the semi-final and grand final matches
          in the early hours to cheer on the team,   took place. The setting was formal, with
          highlighting the supportive nature of the   players donning suits and ties, adding
          JCH community.                   a level of sophistication to the event.   Our womens’s viii on the river

          Our women’s volleyball team after
          playing the grand final

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