Page 16 - Luce 2024
P. 16

I nterview

         DNA arrangement within a nucleus

         Science literacy is an increasingly important part of society   I met my wife Melissa Kellam (1987) and all of my closest
         and your work must help improve that literacy. How does   friends at JCH and we are all still together playing poker 35+
         that make you feel?                                years later!

         There’s nothing better than reaching an audience that would   What do you know now that you wish you had known at
         never have considered science as a form of entertainment.   the age of 21?
         A lot of people think science is hard to understand, but it’s
         not. Everyone is fascinated by the incredible microscopic   Compounding interest.
         world going on inside of us, as long as that world is presented
         in a clear and appealing way that makes the science more   What advice would you give to students today who
         accessible. And that’s where I come in.            are unsure of what direction their studies will lead them?

         Looking back on your days at JCH, do you have any   If you care about what you do, you are never wasting your
         special memories to share with us from your time in College?  time.

          Fisheye lens 360-degree image of blood molecules with   Mitotic spindle of a dividing cell
          common cold virus
      16    LUCE  Number 22  2023
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