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B ooks   an d  Authors

            Exploring ‘families’ in                            Why is the only good parent a dead parent?
            Children’s Literature                              Even in fantasy literature, it would stretch a reader’s credulity
                                                               too far to expect them to believe that a parent would allow
                                                               their child to cavort with wolves and bears in the jungle, work
            Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan and Dr Jade Dillon Craig’s new   as a teenage spy for MI5, rob priceless artworks from the great
            volume Family in Children’s and Young Adult Literature was   museums of Europe or fight the most powerful dark wizard
            published by Routledge in 2023 and has been shortlisted   of the age.
            for the British Association for Contemporary Literary Studies
            (BACLS) edited collection prize. Here, they reflect on the   Instead, parents must necessarily be either physically absent
            familiar tropes found in many of our childhood favourites and   or, at the very least, emotionally distant. There exists, then,
            the importance of broad representation.            a very practical understanding between authors and readers;
                                                               parents must be disposed of, ideally swiftly and with no
            ‘In the beginning there is light and two wide-eyed figures   questions asked.
            standing near the foot of your bed, and the sound of their
            voices is love.’ So begins Love (2018) by Newbery Medal-  Often this imperative is achieved even before the story
            winning author Matt de la Pena and illustrator Loren Long.    begins or in its very first pages. In Roald Dahl’s James and the
            The bestselling picture book ends with the lines:  Giant Peach (1961), for example, young James’ parents are
                                                               dispatched with ruthless and comic summariness:
               So when the time comes for you to set off on your own …
               your loved ones will stand there like puddles beneath their   Then, one day, James’ mother and father went to London
               umbrellas, holding you tight and kissing you and wishing   to do some shopping, and there a terrible thing happened.
               you luck. But it won’t be luck you’ll leave with. Because   Both of them suddenly got eaten up (in full daylight, mind
               you’ll have love. You’ll have love, love, love.    you, and on a crowded street) by an enormous angry
                                                                  rhinoceros which had escaped from the London Zoo.
            However, the course of true (familial) love rarely does run
            smooth. Fairy tales may end with ‘happily ever after’, but
            they decidedly do not begin that way. Fictional families, like
            families in real life, seem to be brittle and precarious things,
            prone to fracturing and fragmenting.

            While there are obviously examples of happy, healthy
            heteronormative nuclear families in children’s literature from
            all decades – think of Judith Kerr’s Mog series or Johnny
            Duddle’s The Pirates Next Door – it is clear that from the
            mid-twentieth century onwards, authors of children’s and
            Young Adult (YA) literature have sought to reflect with greater
            verisimilitude the realities of family life in all its varied shapes
            and forms.                                         In James and the Giant Peach, James’ parents are dispatched
                                                               with ruthless and comic summariness. (Image: Disney / X)
                                 This evolution is explored in a
                                new book we co-edited, Family   The only good parent in some children’s literature, it seems,
                                in Children’s and Young Adult   is a dead parent, preferably one that died long enough ago to
                                Literature.                    allow any inconvenient grief work to have been satisfactorily
                                                               completed by their unfortunate offspring.
                               For most of the history of western
                               children’s literature, only a narrow   In a 2010 article in Publishers Weekly, children’s book editor
                               range of familial experiences was   Leila Sales reported: ‘Dead parents are so much a part of
                               ‘reflected’ in children’s literature.   middle-grade and teen fiction at this point, it’s not even the
                               Readers became familiar with both   “in” thing. It’s not “au courant” or “en vogue”. It’s just an
                              the bourgeois ‘ideal’ of the white,   accepted fact: kids in books are parentless.’
                              heteronormative nuclear family and,
                              conversely, the plight of the    She decries the recourse to what she calls ‘The Ol’ Dead Dad
                              orphaned child.                  Syndrome’ as ‘lazy writing’ and encourages authors to explore
                                                               alternative ways of liberating child protagonists from parental
            The plucky orphan protagonist has been a stock character   supervision:
            in children’s literature for centuries. Many of the canonical
            or ‘classic’ children’s stories focus on the trials and eventual   Set the book at boarding school, summer camp, or
            triumphs of an orphaned (or at least bereaved) child, and the   another parent-free zone. Create parents who are clueless
            trope remains a popular one for contemporary authors, too.  or uninvolved, à la Harriet the Spy. Fade their role into the
                                                                  background. Write parents who actually have something to
            Protagonists like Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Rudyard   contribute to the story, who aren’t just a barrier between
            Kipling’s Mowgli and L M Montgomery’s Anne of Green   the kids and fun.
            Gables have been followed in more recent years by Diana
            Wynne Jones’ Cat Chant, Lemony Snicket’s Baudelaire   Escape to boarding school
            children, and Anthony Horowitz’s Alex Rider.       From the school stories of Angela Brazil (1906–1946); the Billy
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