Page 25 - Luce 2024
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S enior  C o mmon  Ro om

                                2023 - A Year                  Bogahapitiya Gamage, and Rose Gertsakis – have all acted as

                                of Change                      guides and inspiration for our younger students.
                                and Continuity                 Three new students commencing post graduate degrees joined
                                                               the Senior Common Room:

                                ‘In the years when I knew JCH,   •  Klearhos Murphy commenced studying for a Master of
                                both as a student and as Principal,     Music (Research) and tutored Music History and Theory.
                                I found it a place where kindness,     Among other awards and scholarships, he won the coveted
                                consideration and friendliness     2023 Willoughby Symphony Orchestra Young Composer
                                abounded.’ Dr Enid Joske*         award for his piece ‘Prayer for Makronissos’.

            I suspect little has changed inside JCH since 1964, though   •  Kevin Chen commenced his PhD in the biomedical
            a lot has changed in the outside world. This does not mean     field of cancer research (please see page 28) and tutored
            there are no challenges or difficulties with people living in the     undergraduate Science subjects.
            JCH community. What it does mean is that when people are
            kind and considerate then solutions can often be found and   •  Josh Nguyen commenced his PhD in psychology,
            issues resolved.                                      researching a tool for suicide prediction in young people.
                                                                  He presented his findings at one international conference
            It has been a privilege to share in the leadership of the Janet     and seven national conferences, won the Best Abstract
            Clarke Hall community as Deputy Principal this year. I am     Award at the Mental Health Symposium held in Melbourne,
            most grateful to the staff, students and Council for their     and still found time to tutor undergraduate students in
            support in what has been a rich and varied year.      Psychology.

            I am pleased to report on another successful College year in   Our Resident Tutors continued their studies and teaching.
            2023, including for members of the Senior Common Room.
            This group of people represents outstanding talent, teaching   •  Bek Markey-Towler passed the first-year milestone
            ability, passion for their subject areas, and wide-ranging      for her PhD looking at the importance of climate change
            interests across the sciences, arts, languages and sports.      considerations in relation to banks’ mortgage portfolios
            Above all, they are very humble about their awards and      (please see page 8).
            achievements and unfailingly kind and gracious with their
            peers and in their interactions with members of the Junior   •  Amy Bongetti passed her second-year milestone and
            Common Room. We are home to a number of University of      presented at a number of conferences and symposiums.
            Melbourne and RMIT researchers. Their areas of research      Her research involves Intensive Care Unit muscle wastage
            include: muscle wasting in ICU; cancer; autoethnography; and      minimisation and how to improve clinical practice.
            environmental sustainability. I am pleased to see contributions
            from some of these SCR members in this magazine.   •  Jack Tan passed the third-year milestone for his PhD in
                                                                  creative writing and is intending to submit his thesis in mid-
            We are also part of the worldwide Anglican community,   2024.
            and this was highlighted when our planning, commenced in
            2022, came to fruition in July with the triennial conference   •  Aidan Carter commenced working for the Department of
            of the Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Community      Defence, while continuing part-time study for the Master of
            (CUAC) Conference hosted by Trinity College and JCH. The      Translating and Interpreting at RMIT.
            Conference title was ‘Rediscovering Community: Discerning
            Truth, Deepening Learning and Enhancing Wellbeing’.   •  Josh McLeod continues teaching on the Foundation Studies
                                                                  course at Trinity College and singing in choirs. His choral
            My personal highlights were travelling with my husband to      highlights include performing with the Melbourne Chamber
            Spain and Ireland in the middle of the year. We were fortunate      and Symphony orchestras and representing Melbourne at
            to be able to complete the Camino Primitivo in Spain and in      the Australian Chamber Choir Festival.
            Ireland stayed at St Patrick’s College at Maynooth University
            for a conference and visited the beautiful Trinity College   •  Bee Ellis, Dean of Studies, returned to study a Master of
            campus in Dublin to view the famous Reading Room and the      Education part-time.
            Book of Kells. Then there was the arrival of a ten-week-old
            Red Heeler puppy called Riff at the start of Swot Vac in late   SCR Farewells
            October. What an impact this small package of energy and   At Valedictory Dinner we farewelled many loved and
            love has had on both students and staff!           longstanding members of the College community. A number
                                                               of students completed their degrees and graduated. Others are
            Senior Common Room (SCR)                           planning for exchange semesters and travel in 2024. We wish
            The Resident Tutors have provided wonderful role models and   them exciting and stimulating times.
            mentors to students and have such an important role to play
            in creating the academically supportive and caring community   We farewelled two staff members – Tutor Elise Matthyssen after
            that we value. The students who moved up from the JCR   two years, and Librarian Cindy Derrenbacker after four years.
            and joined the SCR – Eve Gray, Amy Wortmann, Shanuka   Elise completed a Master of Applied Linguistics and has headed

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