Page 3 - Luce 2013
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Guest of honor Mr Dan Mori was an inspiring speaker at our
2013 Leadership Dinner. The Principal was joined by our College
President Archbishop Philip Freier and Chair of Council Prof
Doreen Rosenthal with a range of guests including Mr Brad Fry,
A College ‘tradition’ as the Principal prepares hot breakfast for Head of Senior School at Ballarat and Queen’s Anglican Grammar
students and staff at the Intercollegiate Rowing Regatta. [closest to camera on right]. Alongside his sisters Susie and Margie,
Brad’s deep connection to the College includes memories of
family life during his mother Phyllis Fry’s tenure as Principal.
From the Principal
Janet Clarke Hall, which brings so many people together, has a In thanking everyone who contributed to the life of the College in
relatively simple mission. It is to welcome students into a new 2013 – staff, students, benefactors, friends, alumni and Council
environment – College, University, Melbourne. It is to assist them members – I am reminded of how much I sometimes take for
and encourage them in their academic formation and personal granted. One thinks of the untiring, inspiring efforts of Phyllis
development in a way that equips them for service as well as Fry during her long tenure as Principal, leaving a rich legacy for
future success. It is to leave them the better, as people, for the the College that was characterised by her fundamental concern
experience of communal living. for her students, and staff, and their wellbeing. It is heartening to
me that Phyllis believed that the College had built on her legacy.
Our success in these aims is hard to measure or demonstrate, The heritage-listed building has received much needed attention
as it is as likely to be found in the sincerity and quality of dining (although there is still much to be done). Remarkable benefaction
hall conversation as in any Key Performance Indicator. Much from a range of public philanthropic trusts and a tradition of
of the pastoral care extended by staff remains confidential, giving by generations of alumni and friends has allowed the
as it should be. Well run student club events, corridor banter, College to support worthy students through new and existing
enlivening tutorials, inspiring dinners and a range of visitors are scholarships and bursaries, although again there is much more
all part of the warp and weft of daily life in the College, and as to be done. And on occasion the College has an opportunity
each new year begins we are renewed, in energy and purpose, to guide others, ranging from the Australian Institute of Sport to
for the year ahead. the Australian Federal Police, as we ponder ‘best practice’ in a
residential setting. I hope that you enjoy reading about another
Great institutions inspire those who live and work in them, and successful year, and some of the events that shaped 2013 for
inspire those who give to them, through convincing, binding the College.
narratives. While we have confidence in our ‘JCH’ narrative,
one of the great pleasures for me in the course of 2013 was to Dr Damian Powell
engage with inspiring leaders ranging from our Governor-General Principal
Ms Quentin Bryce to Professor Ian Anderson Assistant Vice-
Chancellor (Indigenous Higher Education Policy), to Prof Gillian
Triggs at the Australian Human Rights Commission, and talk about
Australia’s narrative, always reflecting upon the College’s need to
grow in response.
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