Page 6 - Luce 2013
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‘Major Mori’ speaks
on ethics at our
Leadership Dinner
Dan Mori would be well known to most
Australians as the military attorney who College Fellow Dr Fiona Caro (front left) and resident tutor Mr Xavier Cadorel
represented Guantánamo Bay detainee Mr (front right) with guests including Bendigo Senior Secondary College staff member
David Hicks. Now living in Australia as Social Mr Alan Boddy (next to left) and MLC Head of Senior School Mrs Anne Wallington
Justice Special Counsel for Shine Lawyers, (next to right)
Mr Mori was our inspiring speaker at the
2013 JCH Leadership Dinner, which brought
members of the wider College and University
together with students from a range of sec-
ondary schools including Ballarat Grammar,
Methodist Ladies College, Bendigo Senior
Secondary College and Toorak College. There
was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air
as the students were eager to hear from one of
the world’s most famous lawyers.
Mr Mori spoke with characteristic energy
and charisma – highlighting the challenges he
himself has faced in ethical leadership, but
also citing vivid examples to explore ethical
behaviour and leadership. As one who has
stood up courageously for what he believes to
be right and just, Mori’s reflections on his own
career were inspiring. During question time
Mori responded with humour and insight on
war, terrorism and Australia’s current response
to asylum seekers. The audience left the din-
ner with a profound a sense of Mori’s concern Jemma McDougall, Erin Mathews, Yan Wing Ho, Samantha Hiew, Mr Dan Mori,
for the fundamental principles of legal justice, Archbishop Philip Freier, Grace Fulton, Aasha Riordan, Georgie Kirkham
and conversation flowed readily in the JCR as
Mr Mori stayed on to chat with students.
Bike Share
At Janet Clarke Hall in 2013, Senior Duty Tutor and Architecture/Design Tutor, Xavier Cadorel
and the Environments Committee established a student-run community Bike Share. Cycling is
a fantastic way to discover Melbourne city and its dedicated bike lanes and specialist cycling
tracks. Bikes are a favourite mode of transport for students as they are cheaper than running a
car or taking public transport, and are also great for health and the environment.
Xavier gets pleasure from helping students understand their bikes as well as how to look
after them. It’s not just about his passion for what cycling can offer but a joint story with
students to help make biking as accessible and enjoyable as it can be. In conjunction with the
Bike Share, Xavier and the Environments Committee have started running ‘I Love My Bike’
workshops for students. These are a platform for bringing advice, helping with servicing, bike
choices and making sure all students have effective brakes, lights, helmets and locks.
In the future Xavier and the Environments Committee hope to accumulate a fleet of good
Xavier Cadorel, Resident Tutor in quality bikes as well as conduct bike workshops every month. They also hope to organise
Environments, & Vera Moore Scholar excursions across Melbourne, safely exploring the multitude of ways bikes can be fun and
Stephanie Noack functional.
6 LUCE Number 12 2013