Page 10 - Luce 2013
P. 10
Junior Co mmon Roo m
From the Student Club President
At the conclusion of three years at Janet The whole student body came together to recounted his extraordinary experiences.
Clarke Hall, I am utterly transformed act, paint, decorate, beautify and spectate The lively Q&A served as evidence of
from the rather directionless Arts student in three performances of JCH’s production students and guests alike engaging with
who never expected to stay at College of ‘Pygmalion’. The play was hugely new ideas and discussions.
longer than a year. I am truly grateful successful and the efforts of the play
for the opportunity to grow through the committee and dedication of the cast were While I am proud of JCH’s successes in
wholly unique experiences my JCH family much appreciated by all. 2013, I consider our efforts to be best
provided. reflected not in what we have done,
Pınar Telli further demonstrated JCH’s but what we will do. I have left the
2013 kicked off with a group of super talent in the revitalised Royal Variety Show. student executive to an experienced and
sleuths moving in to begin CluedO Through poetry, dance, readings and song, enthusiastic team of trusted friends. As we
Week. No mystery was too great for our JCH impressed. This talent also proved continue to learn and grow, together and
freshers, and we were blown away by their successful on the intercollegiate stage, with apart, we lay the foundations of further
enthusiasm and willingness to engage with JCH taking second place in the ICAC Cup success, for others to come forward and
their new home. in 2013. achieve. It is this work that I find is most
meaningful and rewarding.
The first test of this enthusiasm was Our major formal dinners were, as always,
early morning rowing training. With a a perfect combination of engaging, Ms Jacqueline Oulton
record number of applicants trying their articulate, and delicious. At Literature Senior Student & Student Club President
hardest, sports representatives Lizzy Dinner, Alex Miller explained the story Principal’s Scholar and Vera Moore Scholar
Barnes-Keoghan and Shawn Chen worked behind his novel, Journey to the Stone
tirelessly to deliver a fantastic result on Country. The Leadership Dinner enabled
the sporting field (if not always on the discussion of law, ethics, and international
scoreboard). relations as Lieutentant Colonel Dan Mori
In November 2013 two students offered their reflections
on College life during a shared Valedictory Service with
Trinity College. Here are their thoughts.
I almost feel like it’s too soon to start has offered. Whether being in the College
reflecting on what I’ve learned and gained play, learning how to cox the rowing team,
from my time at Janet Clarke Hall, as I’ve or taking up the role of resident DJ, which
still got just a little bit of time to go, and it have been among my experiences, I’m sure
seems strange to imagine no longer being that any departing student will tell you that
part of the College community as a current JCH challenged them in some way, giving
student. I’m certain that at this point I can’t them the chance to try something new
fully appreciate the impact that JCH has and to learn something about themselves.
had on me. I imagine that it is something These experiences of teamwork and
which can only be fully realised in the leadership, however small or grand, will be
time that follows leaving College, as you something that we take with us as we leave ‘I’d like to be… under the sea’: Allie
move on to the next phase of your life. the College. Ballantyne (left) and Pinar Telli at the
Nevertheless, something I can appreciate Aquarium for the College Ball
as I look back at my College experience is Both JCH and the intercollegiate
how lucky I have been to have it at all. It’s community have provided me with a Which brings me to my last observation about
sometimes easy to forget, as we go about unique sense of belonging during my first my time at JCH. As I get all nostalgic and
day to day, what a privilege it is to be years at university. In trying to describe to sentimental about leaving, a cliché or two is
given the opportunity to live at JCH. Living visitors on Open Day what sort of place perhaps inevitable, so I’m just going to roll
at JCH, Trinity or any other College is JCH is, the only thing I could think to say with it, particularly because, clichéd or not,
undoubtedly a unique experience that we was that it’s the kind of place where you it’s simply the truth. The people I’ve met and
are fortunate to have had, and now seems can walk into the Dining Hall and feel like the friendships that I have formed have been
an opportune moment to express how you can sit down at any table, knowing the best part of living at Janet Clarke Hall. The
grateful I am for this. that the people you sit with are happy to intimate environment exposes you to a diverse
have you there. I think that maybe this group of people that you wouldn’t necessarily
I know I have benefited from immersion says something. The sense of ‘place’ that take the time to get to know otherwise,
in the distinctively academic environment comes with living at JCH is very special, and you are all the better for it. A couple of
that JCH offers. The extra tutorials, being and being here has allowed me to learn other students have, at different points, said
surrounded by other students and tutors what it means to be part of a community something to me along the following lines. If
who provide support, and the intellectually and to give something of yourself. This you take any person here, you can guarantee
stimulating setting have enabled me to capacity to see oneself not as an isolated that there’s something special about them
engage with my studies to the best of individual, but as part of a greater whole, to discover. Getting to know a remarkable
my ability. will surely be a valuable thing for all of us group of people, both as individuals and as a
beyond life at College. Hopefully we can collective, is something I certainly won’t forget.
But just as important to me as the take something of the unique community
academic advantages of studying here, of which we have been a part with us into Allie Ballantyne
have been the new experiences College life the world. A.M. White Scholar
10 LUCE Number 12 2013