Page 15 - Luce 2013
P. 15


                            Wade Mosse (Joske                Joshua Morrin (Joske   memory of College is hearing how some of
                            Scholar 2008)                    Scholar 2011)      the guests at a formal dinner were moved
                            Wade has now been                Joshua is now      to tears after a particularly poignant song
                            married for nearly               working full time   from the JCH Choir.
                            two years to his wife            at Lyons, a large
                            Helen, works for                 architecture practice             Jenny Tran (Joske
                            Melbourne Water,                 in Melbourne’s                    Scholar 2013)
            and lifts weights at Hawthorn Weightlifting      CBD. He is a                      Jenny is currently a
            Club. Wade’s favourite JCH memory   Registered Architect, and in the three         junior doctor at St
            comes from a formal dinner in 2009. In his   years since graduating from RMIT’s Master   Vincent’s Hospital.
            own words: ‘Western Bulldogs (my team)   of Architecture programme has been        She is a recipient
            were playing St Kilda in the Preliminary   engaged in a range of projects, including   of a 2013 Rhodes
            Final. I had drawn a table in the back of   the recently completed City of Greater   Scholarship for
            the Dining Hall, with a College Fellow   Dandenong Council Offices & Civic   Australia at Large and will be moving
            who supported St Kilda and a few other   Square. He is also Design Manager for the   to the UK in late 2014 to undertake
            guests interested in the game, and we had   Fintona Art Precinct, Fintona Girls School   postgraduate studies in health policy and
            been taking turns to go out to check scores   (soon to commence construction) and   management. She is working on two pet
            on our phones. Toward the end of the   currently Design Assistant for the Adelaide   projects. These are CHASE – Community
            dinner (and the game) I was walking past   Clinical Schools, University of Adelaide.   Health Advancement and Student
            the SCR, and saw a gentleman looking at   Concurrently Joshua has maintained a   Engagement, a volunteer organisation
            a phone. I opened the door, and quickly   regular position as a design tutor in the   which she chairs. CHASE aims to create a
            asked what the score was. The gentleman   Graduate programme at RMIT (Master of   generation of young people empowered
            looked up, and I saw two things: he had no   Architecture), worked on a monograph   to fight preventable diseases. It also
            idea what I was talking about, and he was   of the work of Edmond & Corrigan   mentors high school students to become
            wearing a very distinctive collar. And that   (Cities of Hope Remembered, Thames &   health advocates who lead community
            was how I learned that the Archbishop was   Hudson 2012), been an invited exhibitor   projects to better the health of their local
            an Essendon supporter.’           to the exhibition Peter Corrigan: Cities of   communities. Jenny’s second project
                                              Hope (RMIT Gallery, 2013), submitted his   is ‘Dr Global,’ borne out of her role
                            Hugh Gundlach     first peer reviewed academic paper, and   with the Australian Medical Association
                            (Joske Scholar    exhibited and attended a workshop in   Victoria. ‘Dr Global’ inspires, motivates
                            2009, 2010) Hugh   Moscow in May 2013. He has also recently   and equips junior doctors to make a
                            now teaches English   been appointed to the newly formed   career-long commitment to global health.
                            at Ruyton Girls’   International Union of Architects Young   Outside of her work, Jenny enjoys rowing
                            School in Kew,    Architects Committee, as representative   competitively. Jenny’s favourite memory
                            lectures postgraduate   of Region IV (Asia and Oceania). Joshua’s   of JCH is meeting people from all walks of
                            marketing at      fondest memory of JCH is sitting and   life and diverse interests. She feels that JCH
            Melbourne University, and does private   working in his first room in the College   has had a formative influence on her. In
            marketing consulting. From Hugh’s time   (149) with the door open, and hearing the   her own words, “JCH stays with you even
            at JCH, here are some reflections: ‘My   sound of Anna Goldsworthy practising   after you have left.”
            best memories are the collection of small   on the piano in the Dining Hall.  It was
            moments that I shared with many friends   a musical experience of a quality he
            amongst the staff and students. Where   suspects will never quite be matched
            else can you have mealtime conversations   again.                      “JCH stays
            and trivia with future engineers,
            doctors, lawyers, scientists, teachers,          Jack Tan (Joske
            businesspeople and performers? JCH is            Scholar 2012)             with you
            the thinking person’s Big Brother house! I        Jack is writing a
            loved the academic tutoring but I’m quite        PhD dissertation
            proud of coaching many students, who             on Charles Dickens      even after
            said they weren’t sporty, in a wide range        and nostalgia. He
            of intercollegiate sports and seeing their       also tutors English       you have
            confidence and skills develop. People            and Creative Writing
            make a college, not the facilities, so living   for the Faculty of Arts at Melbourne
            with so many genuine, intelligent and fun   University and the Melbourne colleges.   left.”
            people made many fond memories.’  He is the Records Officer and pastoral
                                              care team member at JCH. Jack is an avid           Dr Jenny Tran
                                              pianist and he enjoys playing for church   Joske Scholar and Rhodes Scholar
                                              congregations, individual instrumentalists
                                              and for the JCH Choir. His favourite

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