Page 16 - Luce 2013
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A l umni News

          In a sign of the times, JCH alumni are at the forefront of developing new   While visiting Melbourne from
          technologies which combine smart ideas with smart technology:               his parish of the Church of the
                                                                                      Transfiguration in New York
                                                                                      City, former Council member
                                   Putting colour in your life?                       Bishop Andrew St John
                                   SwatchMate shows how new technologies              dropped into the College in
                                                                                      2013 to catch up with his niece
                                   can solve old problems                             Kathryn St John. Kathryn was
                                                                                      a valued member of our Senior
                                   Anyone who has had a ‘good                         Common Room as a graduate
                                   idea’ for a new business will                      student, completing her
                                   know the perilous journey                          honours degree in Commerce
’s Edward Dowling   from concept to fruition – but                    and tutoring (student reviews
          (centre) with business partners   resident tutor in Commerce                commended her teaching as
          Chris Nolet and Diesel Laws.  Paul Peng (2007) is well on                   ‘flawless’). In 2014 her younger
                                   the way with his new company                       sister Amanda St John will build
                  Swatchmate.  As featured in                        on the family connection as a
          Try an app               the 2013 Melbourne University                      non-resident student.
                                   Magazine, JCH alumnus and
          before you buy it        entrepreneur Leni Mayo (1981)   2013 Melbourne and Sydney
                                   is among those University   Design Award Winner – The
 is a new Australian   alumni nursing fledgling   Cube
          technology start-up company   businesses, and Paul and Leni   SwatchMate has a number of
          that gives smartphone users   met as Paul’s own idea was   other products in the pipeline
          the ability to try out an app   taking shape. In 2012, Paul   and will be raising further
          before purchasing it. It is the   was emboldened to co-found   capital later this year to fund
          brainchild of JCH alumnus   a start-up company with two   further growth.
          Edward Dowling (2006), who   University friends. Based
          founded the company along   on the results of a year-long   Paul has always been a keen
          with two friends in April 2012.   academic paper, SwatchMate   ‘DIYer’, and over the years at
                                   focusses on developing colour   JCH he has been frequently
          Their project has gone through   measurement solutions.  asked by students and
          a number of prestigious                           fellow tutors to lend the odd
          kickstarter schemes. Their   The company’s first product,   screwdriver or drill. While
          initial successful application   The Cube, launched on   a student, Paul built himself
          at Melbourne accelerator   Kickstarter in November 2013   a triangular coffee table in   Andrew St John and
          AngelCube earned the team   and surpassed its funding goal   the courtyard over the Easter   Kathryn St John
          $20,000. They were later   in a matter of days. The Cube   holidays which, he reflects, he
          accepted into the powerful US   is an innovative tool designed   now finds difficult to integrate   In April the Principal was
          500 Startups incubator, which   for designers and colour   into his rectangular living   delighted to welcome Catherine
          provides up to $US250,000   enthusiasts, and uses Bluetooth   room space. Building on Paul’s   Smith and her friend Jane
          in funding, a five-month   communications to send real-  love of design and the hard   Luckman into the College.
          accelerator program and access   world colour directly to a   lessons he has learnt about   Catherine’s mother Mildred
          to events, some of which allow   smartphone or computer for   simple practicality, SwatchMate   Barnard (Prentice) was resident
          founders to travel around the   future reference. The invention   appears to have found a place   at JCH in the 1920s and again
          world.  By late 2013, the start-  was awarded the 2013   in the market.     as a tutor in the 1930s.  Jane
          up had raised $US1.2 million   Melbourne and Sydney Design                  was at the Women’s (University)
          from investors and more than   Awards, and generated buzz   For any SwatchMate queries,   College, and over lunch the
          8500 app developers have   across various media outlets   Paul can be contacted via    three swapped stories on
          signed up to use the service.    including the Age, CNET, and  the two colleges and their
                                   The Verge.                                         distinctive culture and traditions.
          Edward, now chief executive,
          spends about a third of his time
          in San Francisco, and plans
          to move there in early 2014
          to further the interests of the

          He hopes that will raise
          several more million dollars in
          the first half of 2014 as part of
          a Series A round of funding.
          At present, it only supports
          iOS apps for iPhone but plans
          to support Android ‘in the
          very near future’. Follow the
          company’s latest developments   Paul Peng (left), Djordje Dikic and Rocky Liang  Jane Luckman and Catherine Smith
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