Page 11 - Luce 2013
P. 11
Junior Co mmon Roo m
2013 Student Club Executive:
Laura Bennett, Elizabeth Barnes-
Keoghan, Robert de Gille, Pinar Telli,
Thomas Hampel, Jacqueline Oulton,
Shawn Chen, Laura Main
We’re off to see the Wizard With Mrs Enden at her farm
Another early morning on the water
Fresher dance on show Talk to the hand
My journey at Janet Clarke Hall began in if you’ve never done it before. I’ve also
this very Chapel, exactly two years ago, valued the balance between engaging
when I flew over from New Zealand to in College life, and having the space to
audition for the Choir of Trinity College reflect, learn and grow.
and to interview at JCH. Momentarily freed
from the bubble of school, I felt exhilarated I’ve also been genuinely awed and
with the hopes and aspirations I had for inspired by the talent that we have in our
coming to university. community. From our hilarious theatre
sports team, to the dubious arguments
Last year, these dreams all came true. I was presented at the Ethel Bage debate,
studying Arts (Psychology) at the University to hearing insightful questions at our
of Melbourne, I had been accepted to JCH, Leadership and Literature dinners, to
and I was a part of this wonderful choir. seeing ballet, Chinese, Indonesian and Irish
dancing, to the touching pieces of writing
That very first day of choir week last year, and sometimes incredible, sometimes
where we began with Gibbons’ O Clap quirky works of art at our Wintersong art
Your Hands, and I thought I was in choral exhibition, to our slam poetry performers, Jessie Sun receiving an academic award
heaven. Singing in the Allegri Miserere to our amazing musicians…I could go on from His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir
quartet. Singing Bach under the direction and on. Jeremiah Mateparae, Governor-General of
of Stephen Layton. Touring Germany, New Zealand
Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Russia. I am But personally, my peak experiences at that’s what I think College, and life should
grateful to have had these opportunities JCH have been when I’ve tried to support be about. Appreciating and fostering the
to develop as a musician, so thank you the wellbeing of my friends, introducing strengths of those around us, and bringing
Michael [Leighton-Jones, Director of the them to mindfulness and positive out the best in each other to create a
Choir], and thank you all for the solidarity, psychology. I love that at College, I had better world. So I have cherished my time
fun times, and love of singing that we have the freedom to start these initiatives and at JCH, for I feel that it has enabled me to
shared. the interest and support from people to grow closer towards my authentic self and
continue with them. to flourish. For that, I am grateful, and it
And so, now I turn to my time at Janet means that far from being a day of closure,
Clarke Hall. What I have valued most As a result of all my experiences at College, I see this a gateway to new and expanded
about JCH has been our sense of JCH has helped me to see the importance possibilities. Thank you.
community, one that has been supportive, of appreciating, learning from and
friendly and accepting. It’s those little supporting one another. In this regard, I Jessie Sun
things like being able to sit down anywhere would also like to thank Dr Powell and Mrs Chair of Council’s Scholar
at mealtimes and have a conversation with Davies for the kindness and support they
just about anyone, the lack of hierarchy have shown me, and for always having
or divisions between the year levels and the best interests and wellbeing of JCHers
undergraduates, postgraduates, and even at heart. So in fact, JCH has helped me to
tutors, a culture of shared respect and the clarify my vision in life, which is to make a
willingness to help each other out, and significant positive impact on the wellbeing
being encouraged to give things a go even of others and to engender hope. And
J anet Clarke Hall 11