Page 11 - JCH_2020_Fresher_Guide
P. 11

Workscheme & Kitchennette  Kitchenette Etiquette

 By Nat Nguyen  The kitchenettes aren’t real kitchens. They’re   they won’t be thrilled if it goes missing. If there
        tiny, quite meagrely stocked, and only a few of     is equipment you need, or your own equipment
 The Art of Workscheme  them have stovetops or ovens. However, some   has gone missing, feel free  to ask the Gen Rep
        improvisation can make cooking there relatively     (me) about it, and they (I) will be happy to help

 The concept of workscheme may seem scary   easy. In the past, the kitchenettes have been   you track it down.
 at first, but I can assure you that it isn’t. It’s   little hubs of activity which foster a welcoming
 only 2 hours a week (48 hours throughout the   culture.    Half the fun of cooking is not knowing what
 entire year) which is not at all a big part of your        is going to happen next. Don’t get too upset if
 life. However, I’m supposed to be managing   Before anything else, remember that the   things don’t go your way. My suggestion would
 workscheme, so if you aren’t doing it right, that’s   kitchenettes are communal spaces, which   be to use the Scantlebury kitchenettes, since
 a big part of my life. All of you will be given a   means the number one rule is to have utmost   they have more room and an oven/cooktop, and
 few sheets which detail exactly what you will   respect for the other people who use it. It goes   never to leave the cooking unsupervised, even if
 do in the kitchen – this here is more of a guide   without saying that you will be expected to clean  you are just boiling, simmering, or baking.
 for how to approach it, based on the wisdom   up your own mess and not take each other’s
 of the legendary military leader Sun Tzu (these   stuff, but there are a number of smaller details   Just enjoy experimenting. None of us are
 are all analogies; JCH does not recommend   bits of food, and removable stains should all   which will truly demonstrate your honour.   professional chefs, but it’s always fun to pretend
 nor endorse the employment of ancient military  largely be gone by the time you are done with   we are. If you are nervous about it, ask other
 tactics).  them. It will take a bit of practise figuring out   When doing anything, whether it is cooking   people including your Gen Rep (me), and I’m
 what is removed by the dishwasher, and what   or cleaning, please see it through to the end.   sure you’ll find someone happy to cook.
 “In war, the general receives his commands   you will have to remove yourself. All your food is   Obviously, this means not to leave the stove
 from the sovereign.”  prepared in the equipment you handle, so make   on, not to leave dirty dishes, etc. The biggest   I was told to give you guys recipes to try out, but
 “Having collected an army and concentrated   that your standard: If you wouldn’t eat off it, it   problem which plagues our kitchenettes,   I refuse. Instead allow me to refer you to
 his forces, he must blend and harmonize the   isn’t clean.   especially during the end of semester, is the
 different elements thereof.”  tempting notion of ‘soaking’. I’ll tell you from
 “The good fighters of old first put themselves   experience, soaking only helps when food is
 The most important thing about kitchen   beyond the possibility of defeat, and then   very stuck to dishes or pans, and even then, you
 workscheme is knowing that you aren’t alone   waited for an opportunity of defeating the   should never soak for more than a few hours.
 in the kitchen. All of your tasks are a lot to take   enemy.”  When you soak dishes, always remember to
 in at first, so feel free to ask the chefs and   come back and clean them properly – many
 Catering Assistants (CAs) what to do next and   Try to take in a genuine attitude of service. If   people either forget, or expect that someone
 where things need to go. The more you learn   you just consider it as a job you are forced   else will do it, which is mega whack. Leaving
 about the workings of the kitchen, the easier   to do, then it will be less enjoyable, and you   dirty dishes in the sink with some gross water
 it is for you, and the more you can help other   will start cutting corners – basically not good   is probably the fastest way to make people
 people.  news for anyone. Instead, just do what you can   annoyed. Especially the Gen Rep (me). So please
 to the best of your ability, and once you are   don’t.
 “Therefore, just as water retains no constant   well practised, you will easily be able to finish
 shape, so in warfare there are no constant   everything to a good standard.  None of the kitchenettes have everything. Some
 conditions.”  are missing mixing bowls, wooden spoons,
 “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route   sharp knives, etc. Don’t let this discourage
 to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise   you from cooking. Go on a scavenger hunt
 before defeat.”  to find the things you need, most of them will
        be around. The most important thing is that
 There is a difference between washing and   after you have cleaned your equipment, please
 cleaning: Washing is an action, Cleaning is the   put it back where you found it. Not a lot of the
 goal. When dealing with dishes and equipment,   equipment belongs to the college, most of it
 they should be clean, which means grease, oil,   belongs to your fellow students, and I’m sure

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