Page 29 - JCH_2020_Fresher_Guide
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Bachelor of  5. Actually do the past exams and practice      Okay, that has depleted my biomed wisdom
            questions                                          for now. If you are yearning for more or have
 BIOMEDICINE by Charlotte Webster  The practice exams are one of the best ways   any questions about biomed, uni, or college,
                                                               I’m always happy to help. I hope you have a
            to prepare for your exams because they give        magnificent year and enjoy first year biomed

 Congratulations and welcome to the   are all pretty intense subjects like maths,   you a really good idea of what to expect.   as much as I did! :)
            Don’t just leave them all for SWOTVAC! You
 wonderfully painful degree that is Biomed!   chemistry, and physics. Personally, I had   can go through exams and answer questions
 Get ready for a whole lot of content, bonding   always found physics super intimidating   throughout the semester too! Unfortunately,
 with your biomed buddies and becoming a   and was very nervous to find out it was a   the biology and maths faculties aren’t great in
 champion of weird flexes (e.g. “Well I have   compulsory subject for biomed. However,   this area and they only give out one practice
 20+ contact hours a week”). Here are a   Physics for Biomed was one of the most   exam, but you do get given weekly tutorial
 couple tips I’ve picked up over the last year   interesting subjects to take and I’m actually   questions that are super useful to complete.
 that will hopefully help make your first year a   glad it was compulsory. If it wasn’t, I probably   On the other hand, the chemistry and physics
 little bit easier.  would never have taken the subject and   departments are very generous and give
 subsequently missed out on learning some
 1. GO. TO. LECTURES.  pretty cool stuff. For those interested in   out an almost endless amount of practice
            exams, as well as the weekly tutorial sheets.
 postgraduate medicine, these subjects help   So go get practicing!
 This is probably the most frequent piece   prepare you for the GAMSAT! So stay open-
 of advice you’ll hear this year, and also   minded about these subjects, they might just
 what you’ll most likely ignore. Everyone is   become your favourite ;)
 guilty of skipping a few lectures here and
 there, myself included, but for biomed it’s   3. Be well prepared for your practical
 super important to stay up to date with the   classes
 content. Most of your first-year lectures
 will build on the previous lecture’s content,   Two or three-hour practicals can be
 which makes falling behind ridiculously easy.   overwhelming sometimes BUT, if you
 You’ll also have a much easier SWOTVAC if   prepare well, they are the most enjoyable and
 you’ve stayed up to date with all the content   rewarding classes to take. Make sure you
 throughout the semester.  read the notes, watch the videos on LMS,
 and complete the pre-prac tests and you will
 breeze through. It’s important to know that   6. Have fun!
 pracs aren’t on every week, so make sure you
 know your personal timetable, and always   Biomed doesn’t have to be all study all the
 remember your safety glasses and lab coat!  time. Make sure you give yourself a break   My first year goals
            and treat yo’self to the occasional Pidapipó

 4. Make the most of your lecturers, tutors   or Yo-Chi. Go to the park with a group from
 and peers (including those at college!)  college or uni and kick a ball around. Watch
            a few episodes of your favourite TV show.
 One of the best things about college is that   Take a trip to the beach or go for a swim at
 you are surrounded by brilliant people who   the uni pool. SLEEP! Looking after yourself
 love to help, and they are around almost all   throughout the semester will make first year
 the time! If you ever need help with any of   so much more rewarding and memorable.
 2. Stay positive and open minded about all   your subjects, there are so many people you
 the compulsory subjects  can go to from lecturers and college tutors to
 other biomed students. Everyone wants you
 Having six compulsory subjects in first year   to do your best so, if you’ve got a question,
 can seem quite painful, especially when they   don’t be afraid to ask.

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