Page 33 - JCH_2020_Fresher_Guide
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Bachelor of  completing assignments and passing exams.       Assessment:
          Not all science tutorials have an attendance
          requirement, so make sure you check                  Part of the joy (haha, not really) of picking
 SCIENCE by Bec Carra  the subject information in the University   Science is that the exams will determine the
          Handbook. Your attendance might also                 mark you receive. Keep this in mind, as it’s
          directly affect your results - lecturers aren’t      a good idea to be prepared early and make
 Welcome to Janet Clarke Hall and the   As you all should (hopefully!) know, each   impressed with students who don’t go to   cue cards or study materials regularly so you
 Bachelor of Science! You now have just a   subject usually consists of 2-3 lectures, a   class.  don’t leave it all to SWOT Vac. During SWOT
 few days to shake off your holiday lethargy,   practical, and a tutorial per week. However,   Vac, it’s better to sit practice exams and
 prepare to say goodbye to sleep-ins, and find   the classes and format differ depending on   answer practice questions. Most faculties will
 where you left your brain over the holidays.   the discipline of science and specific subject.   release past exams for practice and some
 Starting at university can be a daunting                      are available at the libraries, but it’s also a
 experience, but don’t stress! This quick guide   Lectures     good idea to revisit questions and ideas from
 is full of things I wish someone had told me                  lectures to further text yourself.
 when I started my course.  Please, please, please keep on top of your
 lectures!!! Most science lectures are recorded                The rest of your grade will be made up
 The BSc (and majors)  – but beware the trap of watching Lecture   of smaller assignments and marks from
 Capture! If you find the lecturers go too fast,               practicals. Most subjects have regular
 In the next few weeks, be prepared to get   have a timetable clash, or prefer to watch   multiple-choice tests. Definitely study for
 asked about your course major. Some of   lectures at your own speed (…or you fell   these, as they tend to ask harder questions
 you will know exactly what you want to do,   asleep in class), it’s a fantastic tool. But I   to prepare you for exams. Assignments will
 and others not so much. Don’t worry if you   really recommend watching them the same   test your understanding and may need to be
 aren’t sure, it’s okay to not know your final   day if you choose to not attend lectures, as   submitted in person. Maths assignments,
 major! The great thing about having a general   it’s incredibly easy to fall behind. It can be   Practicals  for example, must be placed into a particular
 Science degree is that you’re not locked into   stressful if you have an assignment or exam   locker within the Peter Hall building. Be
 one path; you’re free to explore different   approaching and you realise you haven’t   Practicals differ depending on subject, so   familiar with your subject’s requirements, and
 subjects and work out where you want to   even seen the last 12 lectures covering that   be familiar with your timetable. For fields   all will be well.
 go. I highly recommend taking a broad range   module... And trust me, you do not want to   like Earth Sciences and Maths, you will work
 of subjects from different fields in your   be the person who lucks their way through   through problems and activities in groups,   Have fun and best of luck!
 first year so as to keep your options open.   their assignments but gets to SWOT Vac and   while in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics you
 But, be aware! Many second-year subjects   realises they haven’t seen a single lecture   will be in the lab. Lab practicals often require
 have prerequisites. For example, second-  since week one… (there will be one person,   some form of preparation: usually reading the
 year maths subjects tend to require you to   trust me)  textbook and lab procedure, and completing   My first year goals
 have completed both Calculus 2 and Linear   a pre-prac test (which are quite important,
 Algebra (or, the equivalent Accelerated Maths   Tutorials  as they are compulsory and count towards
 classes).  your grade). Practicals are also very rushed,
  You might hear different things about   so being prepared is never a bad option. You
 If you already know your major, that’s   tutorials, but I found them really helpful.   will require safety wear and notes for labs, so
 fantastic! Make sure you check the Course   Tutorials go through lecture content a little   a good tip is to always make sure you have
 Planning page for your major and figure out   slower, give you exam problems to work   your things ready (especially spare hair ties
 which subjects you’ll have to do. Aside from   through, and of course, you get to meet   if you need them) the night before. You’ll pick
 that, make sure you pursue a few different   other people doing the subject. They’re also a   up tips for doing well in labs as the year goes
 interests. It’s very common for students to   great space for asking questions if you don’t   on - talk to older students to find out what
 change their mind during their degree, and   understand the course content, and often   worked for them. As mentioned, do as much
 that’s alright!  can contain helpful student tips for  as possible before each lab, to conserve time
          within the labs themselves

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