Page 36 - JCH_2020_Fresher_Guide
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Bachelor of                                                                                                            Music at JCH

                                                                                                                                   There are a few important things to note           To wrap it up – last questions answered
           MUSIC by Keely Moggach                                                                                                  when it comes to being a music student at          (hopefully!)
                                                                                                                                   JCH. In addition to the practice rooms at the
                                                                                                                                   Ian Potter Southbank Centre, or the ones at        So, there you have it – the subjects, the fa-
           Congratulations on being accepted into             booked there, as well as book practice rooms                         the VCA, Melba Hall has accessible practice        cilities, a window into college life as a music
           the Bachelor of Music, and into JCH! So,           at the Ian Potter Southbank Centre or VCA.                           rooms (and is only a two-minute walk!) –           student. And finally, best of luck. Yes, you
           you’ve passed your audition, enrolled in your                                                                           you can access the building by swiping your        can technically skip lectures. No, I would not
           subjects, safely arrived at college... so now      You will also take Music History in Semester                         student card. JCH has a practice room on           advise it. Yes, the person living above the
           what? GO PRACTICE!!                                1, exploring the styles and conventions                              the ground floor with a piano, as well as          practice room can hear you trying to fix that
                                                              of music dated from the Renaissance to                               pianos in Henderson House, the JCR, and the        nasty arpeggio. No, they won’t protest. Yes,
           Just kidding.                                      Classical periods, and their ties to historically                    Dining Hall. It is worth noting that the practice   taking the Elizabeth street #19 tram will get
                                                              informed performance practices. Music                                room on the ground floor is the only space         you to class faster than the Swanston street
           Well not really, but we’ll get to that.            Language, a theory class, takes place in                             that are semi-soundproofed. You will require       one. No, you can’t practice until midnight,
                                                              Semester 2. You will also undertake electives.                       a key to access it – these can be obtained         the noise curfew is 11:00 pm (sorry).
           To begin, you are about to enter a course          These will broaden your experiences and                              from the front office – you will be given a key
           brimming with the opportunity to better            understanding of different areas and topics                          to hold onto for the semester.                     Now... GO PRACTICE!
           your musical expression, flexibility to suit       related to music, whether it be languages,
           your musical interests and intended career         aural training, or ensemble performance. The                         As part of college life, we also have regular
           pathways, and accessibility to some of             elective sections of your enrolment page                             music performances at formal hall –
           the finest music facilities in the heart of        are where you can apply for orchestral or                            these can make for great performance
           Melbourne’s renowned Arts Precinct. You’ll         chamber ensembles.                                                   opportunities for a friendly and supportive
           receive mentorship in both individual lessons                                                                           audience!
           and group classes in developing technical          The Ian Potter Southbank Centre
           facility, musical awareness, and theoretical                                                                            IgniteLAB
           understanding. You will perform under              As MCM students, we are fortunate enough
           pressure, and observe performances by              to study in the Conservatorium’s brand-new                           As a member of the Faculty of Fine Arts and
           students and professionals alike. In addition,     home, the Ian Potter Southbank Centre.                               Music, we are fortunate to have access to
           you get to undertake your degree immersed          Only opened last year, this magnificent                              MCM’s IgniteLAB. IgniteLAB is a program
           in college life. Here I aim to give a snapshot     building is home to state-of- the-art practice,                      designed to develop entrepreneurial skills
           of information relating to both – the ‘Music at    performance and recording spaces. To top                             through one-on-one career advisement,
           JCH Starter Pack’.                                 it all, the Ian Potter Centre sits in the heart                      workshops and internship opportunities. It
                                                              of Melbourne’s Arts Precinct, a stone’s throw                        also aims to assist students in developing
           Your subjects                                      from the Southbank Theatre, Arts Centre and                          personal projects related to arts and
                                                              Hamer Hall. Practice room bookings can be                            music. Advising sessions provided through
           As a first-year B-Mus student you will have        made via ASIMUT, the Faculty of Fine Arts                            IgniteLAB can assist with anything from
           weekly individual instrumental lessons with        and Music’s timetabling system.                                      writing resumes, to applying for grants or
           your designated teacher. Your ‘Practical                                                                                scholarships, applying for teaching or music
           Music’ subject will include a two-hour             Now, a piece of advice. The Ian Potter Centre                        management roles, or advice regarding
           group ‘masterclass’ with a head of your            practice rooms are in high demand. Please                            career direction.
           instrumental area. Details for ‘Practical          do not make the same mistake I did, and pop
           Music’ won’t appear in your Unimelb                into an empty one on the off-chance nobody                           For more information, go to:
           Timetable – don’t worry! The MCM has its           booked it and it’s free for the taking – you               
           own timetabling system known as ASIMUT –           will likely be kicked out by the person who                          us/careers-and- development
           the faculty will provide information regarding     actually did book it, as I was. All I mean by
           how to access this site. You’ll be able to see     this is: make sure you book!                                         Scroll down to ‘Professional development’ for
           when your Practical Music masterclass is                                                                                a more detailed overview of all IgniteLAB has
                                                                                                                                   to offer, and access to their Facebook page.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          My first year goals

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