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Study and Sanity 6. The Four Questions 8. Give Yourself a Break - You Deserve It!
By Mackenzie-Jane Stephan When you feel stressed and overwhelmed, Attending college and university isn’t only about
think: have I eaten, slept, exercised, socialised? studying so spend time with your friends. Make
You’ve made it! You survived your high school 3. Study Methods I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had an connections, have fun, get out there! It’s also
exams, moved into college and have reached ‘impossible’ essay only to realise it’s not that important to accept that life doesn’t always
your first assessment task. The date stares back Practice tests and standard rote learning bad after eating lunch or going for a run. College go to plan. Cut yourself some slack. Not every
at you from your LMS. What do you do? How techniques like writing on a whiteboard or making is exciting and I won’t lie, late night Bage chats assessment will be perfect and not every reading
do you approach this new challenge? Below are and studying flashcards are always helpful. are kind of the best, but your eyes shouldn’t be will be done but you’re learning and living and
some handy tips to help with your study and Teaching content is often the best way to learn carrying all of the luggage you moved in with. that’s important too. There is always time to
sanity. it. If you can explain something to someone else Additionally, sitting down at lunch for 15 minutes improve. Take every setback as a learning
you are more likely to remember it in your exam and having a conversation is far more productive experience and instead of saying “I can’t do this”,
1.Attending University or use it in the argument of your essay. than panicking while you stare at a blank screen. say “I can’t do this yet”.
Take time, go to Yo-Chi or watch a movie in the
I cannot stress this enough: attend your lectures 4. Procrastination, Motivation and Mind Blanks JCR. If you are calm, you will study better. 9. Self Care
and your tutorials! Trust me, you skip one lecture
and you promise to catch up but then you skip When the inevitable procrastination hits, I try a 7. Technology Self care isn’t always about doing a face mask,
another one and suddenly three weeks has couple of things. Utilising the university libraries or going for a walk, or making yourself go to bed
passed and you’re sitting in a tutorial listening to can stop you from finding a thousand distractions …is a distraction and, when it comes to early. Please do all of these things but self care
a topic you’ve never heard of. Going to a physical in college. Studying with people who will motivate designated study times or lectures, it’s not a is also about making yourself study. Sometimes
lecture will keep you on track far better than you also helps. Make a study group in Henderson good one. When you study, leave your phone you need to be a little bit tough on yourself - I
listening on double speed and constantly pausing House and hold each other accountable for in your room or give it to a friend. Use the app said ‘tough’, not ‘cruel’ - to get things done. When
to get a snack or join a conversation. Tutorials the amount of work that you’re doing. When I Forest (there’s a free version) to reinforce the you have an assignment, make yourself get out
are equally important. This is where you clarify start getting stressed about an essay my ability no-phone time and don’t access Facebook on of bed early to study, and walk to that tute room
concepts and develop arguments, so even if to write quickly drains into that third cup of your computer. Turning off phone notifications to write your essay. You’ve got this! We all believe
it’s 12:30 and all you want to do is run back to tea. It can help to write it out colloquially: “even changed my life. Seriously though, not having in you!!!
college for lunch, try and make an effort - you’ll though Foucault thinks this is fair he’s actually messages pop up on your screen means that
thank yourself later. wrong because…” Now you’ve started writing you control when you talk to someone. Plus, if
and hopefully dislodged that pesky block. The you’re waiting for a text back, this is far more
2. Organisation Pomodoro Technique is perfect for avoiding empowering!
procrastination. You set yourself a task, set a
Staying up to date and knowing when your timer for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute
assessments are due is essential. Put all your break. After four rotations you take a longer break.
due dates in a calendar or planner and map out I usually work for 30 or 45 minutes and take a 10
when to start certain tasks to help prepare for minute break but find blocks that work for you.
busier weeks. In your lectures you can handwrite,
annotate printed or digital lecture slides, or use 5. Asking for Help
an app like OneNote to stay organised. Organise
your notes by week to keep everything together. Never be ashamed to ask for help. At JCH you
If a lecturer is talking too fast, write down the can talk to your tutors or our Deans of Studies
time in the margin and go back to that section in about receiving private consults. At UniMelb you
Lecture Capture later. Schedule your study time can always email your tutors, meet with them
and stick to it. I do this both on paper and in a in their designated contact hours, or go through
digital calendar. Write lists and tick them off to Stop 1 for additional academic assistance. This
make sure you stay up to date and have the best is how you improve and even if you’re nervous
chance of avoiding last minute study stress. it will pay off. It’s okay to be stressed and
overwhelmed. Asking for help can get you back
on track, reduce stress levels and help you reach
those higher marks.
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