Page 15 - Luce 2018
P. 15

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 Hear for you  Research Project in India

 Second year Arts student Tilda   During the winter break nine other   Unfortunately, due to the huge demands   During this internship we were also doing
            Melbourne University students and   on development organisations and the   ethnographic field work to examine
 Carnegie interviewed former Prime
            I travelled to India to take part in an   lack of staffing available, the app had   whether unequal power dynamics
 Minister the Hon John Howard   overseas research subject. We worked   not been worked on since 2016. Our   between the ‘Global North’ and ‘Global
 at the ‘Hear For You Limited’ tenth   in Delhi for one month as volunteer   roles were to update and standardise   South’ are reproduced or deconstructed
 anniversary celebrations.  ‘Hear For   interns for ‘Restless Development’,   the content of the app to meet current   during these kinds of university-facilitated
            which focuses on empowering young   international health standards and   ‘global learning experiences’, informing
 You’ mentors and inspires teenagers
            people through education, particularly   conduct qualitative research to   organisations such as Australian Volunteers
 who are Deaf or hard of hearing   in Sexual and Reproductive Health   understand young people’s access   International (AVI) and the University on
 through evidence-based programs   Rights (SRHR). Their projects include   to phones, the key barriers to SRHR   how global learning experiences can be
 and services.  Tilda wrote ‘A Day   educating girls, efforts to end child   knowledge and the kinds of changes that  best structured to avoid the reproduction of
            marriage, normalising menstruation,   could be made to popularise the app.   global inequalities.
 in the Life of a Deaf Student’ for
            creating youth resource centres in
 Farrago, explaining her personal   communities, helping young girls and   I worked on the qualitative research side   Whilst in India we also had the
 challenges and success in the daily   women in Delhi’s urban slums to gain   of the project, conducting focus groups   opportunity to attend a youth forum on
 routine of College and University life.     workplace skills, engaging parents and   in the community with young girls and   the sustainable development goals and
            communities to support young people’s   boys from Jaitpur and Badarpur urban   brainstorm ways in which young people
            aspirations and inspiring young people   village areas in Delhi. We also created   in both India and Australia can contribute
            to become leaders of the future.   an online survey tool that could be   towards achieving these important goals.
 Farm Trip 2018  Our research work with ‘Restless   accessed on a mobile phone app and   Overall, it was an incredible experience
                                              aimed to uncover patterns in mobile
 On a cloudy Saturday morning, we   at us intently as we started to clear fallen   a significant impact by helping others   Development’ was focused on the   phone access, appealing features of   which taught me a huge amount about
 packed the cars with food and began   branches. Tim lit the bundles of branches  and giving back to our communities.   development of an app they have   apps and young people’s level of access   social science research, sexual and
 the trip to Amphitheatre Farm in   after we finished collecting them, stoking  Jaan is playing an important role in   created called M-Sathi (mobile friend)   to SRHR services. We trained 24 young   reproductive health issues in India and
 Labertouche, Gippsland. Thanks to our   a powerful red flame that flew high into   her community, by supporting the   which contains educational modules   ‘Restless Development’ volunteers on   the development sector in general. I
 drivers, Mrs Davies and James Carey   the sky as the dark smoke dissipated.  agricultural industry and creating jobs.   on puberty, sexual and reproductive   how to use this mobile technology to   was so inspired by the work of ‘Restless
 (residential tutor), six JCH students were   JCH students like me can appreciate the   health and gender-based violence.   gather data. They then went into their   Development’ and their visions for a
 excited to be travelling to visit Jaan   Although the fire brought happiness to   opportunities provided by the College   In India there is a widespread lack of   communities and surveyed the young   future of educated and empowered young
 Enden (1960), JCH Fellow and former   us as we gathered round and roasted   and strive to engage so much more   education in these areas and a lot of   people they knew. We analysed the   people. I hope to carry this inspiration
 Chair of Council, to help her with    marshmallows, the crackle and heat   with our very special community. We   social stigma surrounding sexual and   data we received and created a report   into the rest of my degree and use what I
 farm work.   forced me to reflect on Jaan and her   are inspired to volunteer, donate blood,   reproductive issues. This makes access   for ‘Restless Development’ with the key   have learnt to make a positive impact in
 farm suffering through Black Saturday   make anonymous gifts to another student   to SRHR information extremely limited.   recommendations for potential changes   development in the future.
 Upon our arrival, Jaan and her farm   in 2009 – the incredible hardship she   during our ‘Secret Angel’ Week, or join   Due to the huge rise in young people   to the app that came from the insights of
 manager, Tim, kindly welcomed us with   endured, and the resilience she showed   the ‘World’s Greatest Shave’ campaign   using mobile technology, the app was   the young people studied.  Naomi Parris-Piper
 hot coffee and a scrumptious loaf. At   in continuing. Building on the hard   to raise funds to help beat blood cancer   created to make SRHR information   Sarah Stock Scholar
 the beginning of September, pale green   work of JCH students who helped plant   – this year we raised $6341.92! While   easily accessible through phones.
 trees and grasses heralded spring. The   saplings almost ten years ago, we had a   JCH helps us develop our academic
 mixed smells of grass, a working farm,   chance to stand on this thriving land and   abilities and potential as students, we
 and livestock, along with views of the   contribute to those trees’ survival.   also contribute to its culture and shape
 beautiful landscape, drew us away from   its future.
 the bustling city to this peaceful farm.   On our way back to College, we saw
 The mountain ranges hidden in the grey   the spectacular sunset. It lit up the end   Lily Li
 clouds and the cattle just one step away   of the trip and imbued the grassland   Betty Elliott Scholar
 ensured we recognised we were a long   with a glorious golden colour. The trip
 way from Melbourne. The cattle stared   reinforced for me that we could all make

                                                                                            Naomi Parris-Piper
                                                                                            Naomi Parris-Piper
                                                                                            (back row second from left)
                                                                                            (back row second from left)
                                                                                            at the Taj Mahal
                                                                                            at the Taj Mahal
 Child’s play down at the farm  College Fellow Mrs Jaan Enden (at right) and volunteers
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