Page 21 - Luce 2018
P. 21

Develop ment                                                                              Develop ment

 From the Director

 of Development

 As an alumna of the College almost half   the JCH community those students who
 a century ago, I always find it especially   are the ‘right fit’ for JCH. Academic
 interesting to talk to today’s students   achievement is rightly very important,
 about their experience of JCH. I never   but so too are character, empathy and
 cease to be impressed and delighted by   a social conscience. Thanks to the
 their spirit, intelligence, maturity and   generosity of donors, testators and
 perception – and their awareness of and   trustees, our comprehensive scholarship
 gratitude for the privilege they enjoy in   and bursary program means that   Susan Sypkens and Margie Welsford  Janet Limb, Jenny Happell, Fiona Caro
 being part of the JCH community.  financial constraints need not preclude
 Nothing could better express the feelings   the most deserving students from a place
 so often expressed to me than this   at JCH.   Friends and Society Reunion
 extract (re-produced with permission)
 from an email sent to the Principal late   As a small College that is determined   Once again, Henderson House was the   This commitment to maintaining the   community spirit and the personal
 in 2018:  to remain small, the ability of JCH   setting for another enjoyable gathering   modest size of JCH student numbers   growth of the highly motivated young
 to continue to fund a strong level   of JCH Friends and Society members.   was strongly supported by the   people within its walls.
 ‘I thought I should at the very least   of endowment in an increasingly   The official reason for the afternoon tea   gathering. Dr Powell also emphasised
 express my gratitude for the College   competitive environment is critical to   event was to celebrate fifty years since   the College’s need to continue to grow   As always on such occasions,
 for the last two years. Janet Clarke   our future. My keen awareness of the   the Trinity Women’s Society, established   our scholarship and bursary program   conversation was lively and varied
 Hall has been one of the greatest   importance of this funding once again   in 1899, was proudly re-born in 1968   to ensure that all worthy students have   with friends sharing memories and
 things to happen to me – giving me   prompts me to thank sincerely those   as the Janet Clarke Hall Past Students’   the opportunity to enjoy the privilege   news. There was much amusement at
 the opportunity to meet unique and   alumni and friends who so generously   Society. However, there was certainly   of JCH, regardless of their economic   the recollection of ‘The Morgue’ (now
 interesting people who I can now   illustrates. Whether in academic,   support the College through bequests   a warm agreement amongst the   circumstances. He shared aspirations,   the Bursar’s office) where young men
 comfortably say are my family. Over   sporting, artistic, community or career   and donations. I hope they will take   assembled group that no ‘reason’ was   too, for continuing building works to   were required to wait when collecting
 these last two years, I have met people   pursuits they so often exemplify all   some meaningful gratification from the   necessary to facilitate a gathering of   extend the Junior Common Room and   a young lady for an outing in the
 with different passions and views but all   that JCH strives to nurture in its young   sure knowledge that generosity towards   old friends with a lively interest in the   build tiered seating in the back garden   1950s, and of the practice of the then
 with a common drive to make a positive   residents.   Janet Clarke Hall today will contribute   JCH of today and tomorrow. The group   for performance and recreation.  Principal, Miss Bagnall, of entering
 change in the world and it is why I am   to valuable – sometimes life-changing –   was joined by Dr Powell, Ms Welsford,   students’ rooms and writing her initials
 so proud to be a part of this wonderful   At the gathering of Friends and Society   support for deserving young people in   Mrs Davies, and Palawa woman,   Everyone was delighted and   in the dust on the mantelpiece as a
 JCH community.  members in October, it was gratifying –   the future.  appreciative that Eleanor McCormack   none too subtle hint to the occupant
 although not at all surprising – to witness   Chancellor’s Indigenous Scholar and   kindly made time at such a pressured   that a little housework was in order!
 On a smaller scale, I have been able   their heartfelt validation of the Council’s   Ms Shelley Roberts   Student Club Vice-President, Eleanor   time of the academic year to join the
 to participate in events like the Fresher   determination for JCH to remain small,   Director of Development  McCormack.  group to share a little of her experience
 Dance Off and even try out for the   even as other colleges continue to   Dr Powell brought everyone up   of JCH today. Eleanor came to College
 rowing and basketball teams. Along with   expand student numbers to a ‘new
 the JCH Ball and many other events, I   normal’ of 300+ and the University   to date on the College’s strategic   from Ulverstone, Tasmania and spoke
 have made many valuable memories that  increasingly promotes accommodation   priorities: he spoke about the   frankly of her joy at being part of the
 will stay with me for the rest of my life.’   options from private providers. A JCH   Living overseas    Council’s commitment to the College   ‘family’ that is JCH and of the wonderful
 that provides a supportive and respectful   and want to support    remaining small in contrast to the   friendships she already feels sure will
 Our alumni and our current students   academic environment for deserving   Janet Clarke Hall?  expansion of neighbouring colleges   be lasting. She praised the culture of the
 are an endless source of pride for the   students from a range of backgrounds   and the rapidly increasing number of   College, valuing as it does academic
 College, as this magazine so clearly   and financial circumstances is a JCH that   university accommodation options.   achievement, cultural diversity,
 our alumnae heartily endorsed.  We know that there are many JCH
 alumni spread across the globe!
 As I observe the painstaking process of   Your donations to the College
 student interviews and final selection
 carried out by Dr Powell and his team   would be greatly appreciated and
 every year, it reinforces for me the vital   can be made securely and tax-
 importance of scholarships and bursaries   effectively online.
 in enabling the College to invite into
 For details, please visit:
 Mary Stannard (1955) and Mary
 Schramm (1957) (seen here with   giving-overseas
 College Librarian Jenny Martin) were
 welcome visitors when they dropped by
 the College to present a copy of College
 Fellow Dr Valerie Asche AM’s memoir
 Walking My Baby Back Home: My   Margie Richardson and Elizabeth Meredith  Donna Davies, Student Vice-President Eleanor McCormack, Jenny Ross,
 journey with TB before antibiotics.                    Angela Grutzner

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