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A l umni News                                                                             A l umni News

 law, and got as much work experience   Former Chair   After a career break to raise the   Marita Cheng
 as I could while studying – spending two   of Council Prof   children, Sharelle returned to the   (2007) was
 summers in Canberra working on the   Ruth Fincher   University of Melbourne to work as   named in the
 global climate change treaty, and doing   AM (1969) has   a study co-ordinator in bowel cancer   2018 Forbes Top
 a lot of research work, including for Prof   been appointed   research within the Faculty of Medicine,   50 for Women
 Gillian Triggs (1964) who was at that   Deputy Vice-  Dentistry and Health Sciences and is   in the World in
 time Director of Melbourne’s Institute   Chancellor   currently based at the new Victorian   Tech, having
 for International and Comparative   (International) by   Comprehensive Cancer Centre – less   founded Aubot
 Law. A project between the Institute   the University of   than one kilometre from JCH. When she   – a telepresence
 and the Cancer Council led me to the   Melbourne.  enjoys a work lunch at Naughton’s she   robot for children
 World Health Organization Framework   reflects on how she has not travelled   with cancer – and Airpoly, an app that   Kelsey Hayes, Dr Powell, Ruby Jacobs
 Convention on Tobacco Control, the first   very far in life (and also how much   recognises and relays objects in real time
 treaty negotiated under the auspices of   Naughtons has changed since College   for the visually impaired.  JCH alumnae Kelsey Hayes (2014) and
 WHO – and from there I took my first   A creative   days!).                    Ruby Jacobs (2015) visited the College
 ‘real’ job as Legal Policy Adviser to a   collaboration   Allan Joseland (1988) and Sharelle   Congratulations   to speak on ‘Embrace Education’, a non-
 global alliance of NGOs supporting the   between   Joseland (Dann 1988) spent three years   Upon returning to Melbourne, Allan   to Kim Ho (2014),  profit, university student-run organisation
 new treaty.  Headlam and   in JCH whilst completing their respective   worked in ethanol distillation and   Melbourne-based  that offers free educational support
 Wallace-Crabbe   degrees, Bachelor of Engineering and   the fertiliser industry. He is currently   playwright, actor,  to high school students from refugee,
 This work cemented my love of   In 2012, JCH   Bachelor of Science. Sharelle organised   working for the RACV in the role of   and the 2017   new migrant and low socio-economic
 multilateral problem-solving, and after   alumna, the   the ‘Masquerade’ College Ball in 1989   General Manager - Safety, Property &   recipient of the   backgrounds in Melbourne.
 a couple of years in the job I was lucky   distinguished   and became Student Club Secretary   Capital Works. Allan has very recently   Sydney Theatre
 enough to be awarded a scholarship to   artist Kristin   the following year. Allan enjoyed   joined the JCH College Council where   Company’s   ‘Embrace Education’ runs three
 undertake my Master of Laws at New   Headlam (1972)   playing College sport and was Male   he hopes his facilities management   prestigious Patrick  educational support programs:
 York University, an amazing place to   was commissioned by the University   Sportsperson of the Year in 1988 and   and capital works experience will be   White Playwrights’ Award for his   Homework Clubs, In-School Tutoring
 study international law. There I worked   of Melbourne’s Rare Books Collection   1989, before becoming Student Club   of assistance to the College. Allan and   play Mirror’s Edge, which explores the   and Individual Tutoring, while
 to support another prominent Australian,   to create a work to accompany an epic   President in 1990. This was a big   Sharelle look back very fondly at their   interplay of Anglo-European, Chinese,   conducting the ongoing mentorship of
 Philip Alston, in his mandate as UN   poem by her partner, the acclaimed   sporting year for the College when JCH   time at JCH, in what truly was a life-  and Indigenous cultures in Australia   tutors.
 Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial   poet, Chris Wallace-Crabbe. The   won the W.K.Tickner Trophy for the first   changing experience!  across three centuries.
 Executions – while also continuing   Universe Looks Down was written by   time, with both our female and male      The organisation was started in 2006
 consulting work on the WHO treaty.   Wallace-Crabbe over the period    sporting teams punching well above   Dr Madeline Mitchell (2005) (seen   Kim explains that his play is ‘based on the  by Emil Kogan, with a group of other
 This led to a year in Canberra in the   1988-2005.  their weight in competition with the   here on a recent visit to the College   joys and complexities of cross-cultural   Monash University students. After ten
 Department of Health, strengthening   larger colleges.  with her partner Ross Dennis) has been   interaction and how sharing cultures is a   years of success, ‘Embrace Education’
 international cooperation on tobacco   Kristin’s response was a suite of 32   a proponent for advances in synthetic   way of sharing knowledge, and the more   established the University of Melbourne
 control as we worked towards   etchings with aquatint and hand   Allan started working life as a Chemical   biology, seeking ways to mirror the   cultural collaboration we can have, the   chapter. Recently, the University of
 implementation of ground-breaking   colouring, and 32 photo etchings of   Engineer for Exxon/Mobil and Sharelle   benefits of synthetic fibres in the   more we can know our environment and  Melbourne chapter hosted ‘Creating
 plain packaging laws (recommended as   selected texts from the poem. The   completed a Diploma of Education   production of natural fibres such as   the world’.  Change in Education’, a panel discussion
 a means of implementing the treaty).   suite is an imaginative commentary   before returning home to Shepparton   cotton.  with experts from the education
 on the poem and was exhibited at the   to start work in the food industry,   The first time Mirror’s Edge was   sector, including representatives from
 From Canberra, I was sent to Geneva   Baillieu Library’s Noel Shaw Gallery   developing new products for S.P.C. Two   performed was when an excerpt of it   Macpherson Smith Rural Foundation,
 as World Trade Organisation (WTO)   between August 2018 and March 2019.   years later she returned to Melbourne   was presented as part of the Melbourne   Centre for Multicultural Youth, Teach
 challenges to the plain packaging laws   Six complete, boxed editions of all 64   and was soon co-ordinating the Product   Theatre Company’s ‘Cybec Electric’   for Australia, and Maths Pathway. The
 got underway – and six years later,   prints and a copy of the poem were   Development team for Peters Ice Cream,   rehearsed readings in 2017. The whole   goal was to broaden the discourse
 I’m still here… As Counsellor (Health)   made available in 2018 and one set was   whilst completing a Graduate Diploma   play was then produced by the University  surrounding educational inequality and
 for Australia’s Permanent Mission to   swiftly acquired by the National Library   in Marketing.    of Melbourne’s Union House Theatre.  to offer a variety of ways university
 the UN, as well as the Mission to the   of Australia.                          students, teachers and the general public
 OECD in Paris, I cover matters as   Allan and Sharelle married in   Kim’s short film, The Language of   can contribute towards bridging the gap
 broad-ranging as Ebola, pandemic flu   Castlemaine in 1997 and relocated   Love, has screened at over 30 film   in education.
 preparedness and global health security,   to London in 2000. Allan worked   festivals worldwide. He composes
 antimicrobial resistance, development of   as a Production Manager for UK   film music, plays the clarinet, and is   At a university level, the work of
 and access to medicines and vaccines,   sugar manufacturer Tate and Lyle,   currently working on a play about the   ‘Embrace Education’ is promoted
 prevention and control of diseases like   whilst Sharelle used her marketing   1930s Lasseter’s Reef hoax as a VCA   through various events on campus.
 cancer and diabetes, promoting mental   qualifications to move into the area of   Master of Writing for Performance   Fortnightly coffee catch-ups at ‘House
 health, addressing violence and injuries,   marketing research.  student.      of Cards’ are open to tutors and
 managing food security and nutrition,                                          members to get to know each other
 and health system reform as well as   After several years of work and a lot of   Kim appeared at the Melbourne’s   over a free coffee. Everyone is welcome
 cross-cutting UN reform efforts. The job   travel, the lure of returning to Melbourne   Emerging Writers Festival together with   – and invited to visit the organisation’s
 is challenging, sometimes frustrating,   grew strong after the couple welcomed   Rhea Bhagat (2012), who has also   Facebook page for more information.
 but always rewarding – and I’m glad to   identical twin girls, Neve and Emily, into   developed a growing reputation as a
 say there are very few days when I don’t   the world. Sharelle and Allan moved to   writer of fiction and non-fiction.  Kelsey is the current President of the
 learn something.  Our former female sports representative   Williamstown shortly after the girls were   Melbourne University chapter, ably
 Jacqui Street (2003) has reported for   born and a few years later a third child,   supported by Ruby (a former chapter
 ABC News on radio, television and   Rhys, was added to the family.             Vice-President) and Olympia Sarris
 online for more than a decade, covering                                        (2015), her current chapter Vice-
 politics, courts and general news.                                             President.

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