Page 5 - Luce 2012
P. 5

Claire Baxter, Fiona Cadorel, Xavier Cadorel, Jesslyn Lim, Paul Peng, Julia Lai Kwon, Miffy McIndoe, Donna Davies, Jane Tribe, Jack Tan

            presentation on New Age Nana’s in   will be restored. Finally the downstairs   Paul’s Cathedral on Saturday 13 September.
            September. I was delighted to work more   bathroom has undergone a significant   We gave thanks and bade farewell to the
            closely with Prof Rosenthal this year and   upgrade. I am very grateful to the College   Chaplain of our College Chapel, Andreas,
            I am very grateful for her support and   Council for their encouragement and   and his wife Katherine Firth, at a special
            wise counsel. In addition, I would like to   support and to Bruce Stewart for his   Formal Hall Dinner on 11 September.
            acknowledge Acting Vice-Principal, Ms   project management.         Andreas and Katherine have been active
            Jane Tribe, and Acting Dean of Students,
            Ms Claire Baxter, for their support and
            encouragement of our students, staff
            and tutors in second semester. I am very
            appreciative for their contribution to the
            College and to me personally.

            There was a great deal of building work
            at the end of 2012 with a number of
            significant upgrades to the College.
            Purpose built banisters at the front of
            the College and handles on the front
            pedestrian gate were installed to assist
            in access. The Betty Wilmot Room had
            new shelving installed and in the process
            an old fireplace was uncovered, which
                                                                                                        We like it!
                                              Our new website was launched during the   members of our College and are honorary
                                              week prior to Open Day. It is in line with   members of our Senior Common Room.
                                              modern design standards but importantly,
                                              it is compatible with Apple devices such   Our final event for the year was the
                                              as iphones. In addition, the College has   Fellows’ Lunch followed by the delightful
                                              an official Facebook Page which updates   Musical Offering performed by Anna
                                              visitors to the page on current happenings   Goldsworthy and music students, Julia
                                              at Janet Clarke Hall.             Hastings, Hayman Kent and Joshua Hooke.
                                                                                As I absorbed the beautiful music that day
                                              One of the many highlights of my year was   I reflected on my time as Acting Principal.
                                              attending the special conferring of Doctor   I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive
                                              of Medical Science (honoris causa) for Dr   Council, staff, tutors and student body.
                                              Margaret Henderson OBE in September.   I made mistakes, had some triumphs and
                                              The College presented a gift of a framed   learnt a great deal. Above all else I feel
                                              print of Janet Clarke Hall to congratulate   truly grateful to have had this opportunity
                                              Dr Henderson on this significant   and more grateful that our Principal has
                                              achievement.                      returned. Yes, the time flew but I had fun.

                                              Another highlight of the year was attending   Mrs Donna Davies
                                              the installation of The Rev’d Dr Andreas   Vice-Principal
                                              Loewe as the Dean of Melbourne at St
             The Dean and Dr Firth are great friends
             of JCH

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