P. 22

increasing in revenue can keep the ratio stable. Next, by keep focus on equity because it is
               important for the company to ensure that they measure their growth by growth in equity more.

                                                  ASSET QUALITY RATIO

               Asset quality ratio measures the degree of exposure to equity risk. To calculate this ratio, Equity
               is divided by Total assets. This ratio indicates the proportion of total assets funded by equity

               shareholders’ funds. A higher asset quality ratio is generally treated an indicator of sound financial
               position from long term point of view, because it means that a large proportion of total assets is
               provided by equity and hence the firm is less dependent on external sources of finance. Then, a

               low ratio is a danger signal for long term lenders as it indicates a lower margin of safety available
               to them. The calculated table ratio above show that AIA Insurance Company lower than Sun Life

               Insurance  Company  which  is  9.35%  and  26.48%  respectively.  Meaning  by  that,  Sun  Life
               Insurance  Company  is  better  than  AIA  Insurance  Company.  AIA  Insurance  Company  should
               manage their asset more effectively in order to avoid this problem.

                                                  UNDERWRITING RATIO

                   1.  Expenses Ratio

               Calculate the expenses ratio of an insurance company by dividing underwriting expenses by net
               premium earned by the insurance company. The expenses ratio signifies an insurance company’s

               efficiency before factoring in claims on its policies and investment gains or losses. Based on the
               above calculated table ratio, both of the company recorded a positive percentage. AIA Insurance
               Company lowers than Sun Life Insurance Company which is 20.39% and 33.25% for Sun Life

               Insurance Company. It can be concluded that AIA Insurance Company is better because the lower
               the expenses ratio the better, because it means more profits to the insurance company.

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