Page 13 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 13


                                                                               Basket With Red Handle_72×52

                                                                    Jimmy Wright (미국 파스텔협회 회장)

                     •In Spring 2023 Jimmy Wright will exhibit at the Butler Institute of American Art. The Indianapolis Museum of Art's
                     exhibition Private Eye: The Imagist Impulse in Chicago Art and Whitney Museum Of American Art's exhibition Around
                     Days End: Downtown New York 1970-1986 included Jimmy Wright's work. Corbett vs. Dempsey published a major
                     monograph of his work from the 1970s entitled New York Underground. The first of Wright's many flower works, were
                     painted 1988-91, in homage to those who died of AIDS. His work is in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan
                     Museum of Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Hammer Museum, and numerous public
                     and private international collections. He is represented by Fierman Galley, New York and Corbett vs Dempsey, Chicago.
                     Wright is President of the Pastel Society of America and a member of the Board of Directors, International Association
                     of Pastel Societies.

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