Page 9 - 한국파스텔화협회 국제교류전 및 파스텔화 공모대전 2022. 9. 14 – 9. 19 갤러리라메르
P. 9


            Otto Strucke U.S.A
            My sincerest congratulations to KPAA on their 2022 36th Web Exhibition.
            Your pastel society continually inspires so many aspiring artists around the globe with a splendid display
            of phenomenal work. I am humbled to exhibit my work among so many talented artists and expect that I
            will be mesmerized by the quality of the exhibition once again.

            Corey Pitkin U.S.A.
            I would like to applaud all the incredibly talented artists who have the esteem of being included in this
            year's Korean Pastel Artists Association 36th Web Exhibition. It is an especially great honor for me to be
            included in this show as I have always taken inspiration from the naturally serene, hauntingly beautiful,
            and masterfully designed art of Korean culture. Congratulations to the Korean Pastel Artists Association
            on organizing yet another amazing collection of pastel masterpieces.
                      ..  ..
            Pirkko Makela-Haapalinna Finland

            I am honored to be invited to participate the 36th KPAA Web Exhibition. My warmest congratulations
            goes to the work you do among Korean pastelists.
            And as Art is never-ending connection between people, I feel connected to the
            community of pastel painters of Korea-sharing the same love for Pastel Art.

            Halla Shafey Egypt
            Once again, I extend my sincerest congratulations to the Korean Pastel Artists Association KPAA
            for their continuing success in promoting the art of pastel and for building wonderful bridges of
            communication and exchange with the pastel community around the world. I extend my deepest gratitude
            for inviting me to participate in this on-line exhibition.  I wish you continuing success.

            Vera Kavura Ukraine
            My name is Vera Kavura. I'm from Ukraine, Kyiv. I'm currently a member of Arizone Pastel Artists
            Association. I have started painting when I was a child but discovered pastel medium as my prime material
            only in 2017. My favorite topic is floral which I compile by myself, and I work only with live flowers that
            helps me to catch the color and brightness of nature. I have developed my own techniques which helps to get
            to the result without making a drawing but rather to work with colors and shapes.

            Tony Allain England
            I am thrilled and honoured for the invitation to be a part of the Korean Pastel Artists Association Web
            Exhibition 2022. A big thank you to Anseok Cho President KPAA and all who has made this prestigious
            event happen!To be exhibiting with a truly international collection of artists is an great honour. Let me
            say once again thank you to the KPAAfor including my work in the catalogue.
            Best wishes for a successful exhibition.

            Gareth Jones United Kingdom
            I feel incredibly honored to be invited to participate in the KPPA  online exhibition for the second year
            in succession. To have my  painting shown alongside work from some of the finest pastel artists  in the
            world, is both thrilling and humbling.Soft pastel is undoubtedly my preferred choice of medium, for both
            its unequalled brilliance of colour, and its unique mark making qualities.I am certain that the exhibition
            will represent work of breathtaking  quality and diversity that this wonderful medium enables. My
            sincere thanks go to Anseok Cho and the KPAA, I wish your  exhibition every success.
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