Page 10 - 지정연 개인전 2023. 2. 8 - 2. 14 토포하우스
P. 10
Performance for Nostalgia
- Woonggi Kim : the art comment
I can't breathe because I feel frustrated when I see the work her paper is no less than a form of expressing light and color
of Jee Jeongyeon closely. She bundle each of the Korean rather than recording. So she can paint paper in certain sizes
paper together like a small bullet and string and attach each and shapes, talk to, or paint. However, once the paper is used
of the bundled small chunks to the canvas as a material or object for the work, it is inevitable to avoid
Whenever I see each of them and the parts that are arranged the shape of the text or image in the form of a plane or in the
in the entire eyes come into view, I can hardly breathe form of a stereo because there remains a trace of records that
because of the blind labor. penetrate the material called paper. Some abstract structures
This harsh product of labor is moderately concealed by that contain images or text that are subject to record are
color or overall form, and as another work moves our eyes, inevitable in the works of paper material. It looks like a visual
we welcome spectacles that make the small parts together. representation of the eclipse claim claimed by Rollan Bartna
At that time, breathless stuffiness is relieved and can be Jacques. It seems to visually reveal the argument visually
breathed a lot. that it is a historical reflection of the words, by replacing the
mouths and words instead of spoken words and octopus, and
She starts a work from the paper and finish at the paper. turning the common sense of the existing linguistics, which
Rather than drawing something on a paper, she uses a piece says the mouth is above the words. The symbol itself, which
of paper to make shapes. The paper used is not the paper is recorded by morphing the language itself into images, is a
we know, but the species that are used in ways that are not sign of institutionalization, and this trace is supported by a
familiar to us. Processing, transforming, and reconstructing visual difference between the one instruction structure, the
the paper makes her work. We use paper to “ raw material meaningless symbol that was reproduced in the finished one.
made of vegetable fiber, mostly writing, painting or printing.
” We do not experience and understand paper as paper itself, Media called paper is always materially obvious. But that
but we are using and using paper as its purpose and function. medium, or property, is a visual abstraction. Whether it's Hanji
Even if you hear that paper is used as a popping paper, it is or the raw material, it can't reveal its own material nature.
used as a container or container container, and it is used as In the end, it is the result of anthropomorphism that people
a building material, you see it as an exception and forget it who view or experience the substance are empathized, so
easily. It is known to be a medium that writes and copies a it is not different from attitude or idea to the substance.
species, prints it, or contains images or characters. Assigned Yeon dismantles paper as a media and reconstructs
it as a material, and shows meaningless symbols or material
Assigned Yeon has been working on paper and has traces, revealing spaces as a world, or unfolding matrix as a
deconstructed/deconstructed the daily functionality of paper single world. Artists make the world of nonlinear, accidental
and started treating it as material material and as agent. and arbitrary meanings uneven and dense. In the world, Choo
From the beginning, paper was derived from the doors of the Yeon-yeon is doing the name of the injustice in the name of
doors that she had experienced in rural areas, not the media art to fill memories of childhood and experience of life. The
of records. The permeability of the light that Hanji has in longing for missing is filled with the name of labor in her work.
itself contains experiences and memories of childhood, and