Page 11 - 전시가이드 초대석 이경해 작가
P. 11

Breathing space 2, 91x65cm, steel, acrylic on canvas

           constantly makes utmost efforts, devoting full time.  seeing young artists who stand out in market development as well as
           When asked about the development of the Korean art market, she   work activity. I would like to ask them to put the essence on art itself
           expressed regret, saying, “The current Korean art market is growing   rather than to focus on the sale, not following the trend only, which will
           well globally and is booming domestically as well, which is a desirable   make them take a leading role in global markets.
           phenomenon;  however,  Koreans  still  tend  to  prefer  the  works  of
           renowned artists, and their prices are too high for the general public to   Lee,  Kyung-hae,  a  full-time  artist,  has  participated  in  the  group
           buy. Artworks must not be for a specific class to become true cultural   exhibitions as a member of the Korean Fine Arts Association and the
           art.”                                          Sang Hyung Jeon Fine Art Association, and in exhibitions and theses as
           When asked what she would like to say to young artists as a senior   a member of the Korea Society of Basic Design Art.
           artist, she answered, “I feel that the future of Korean art is bright,

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