Page 14 - The FayettevillePress newspaper December 2024 Holiday Edition
P. 14

Page 14                                                                                         The Fayetteville Press  December 2024 Holiday Edition

                          Cumberland County Register of Deeds Retires

           FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. – Cumberland County Register of
      Deeds J. Lee Warren Jr. retired after more than 30 years serving as an
      elected official in Cumberland County. Warren was recognized in a
      retirement ceremony Nov. 19, held in the Judge E. Maurice Braswell
      Cumberland County Courthouse. The ceremony was attended by past
      and present Cumberland County Commissioners, County Manage-
      ment Team members and employees, N.C. Courts officials, N.C.
      Registers of Deeds from throughout the state and other dignitaries.
           Warren’s service in public office began in 1992 when he was
      elected to the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners. He was
      re-elected twice and served as chairman three times. Warren was ap-
      pointed to the office of Register of Deeds in May 2003 while he was
      serving as a Cumberland County Commissioner. Warren was then
      elected in 2008, and re-elected in 2012, 2016 and 2020.
           During his administration as Register of Deeds, Warren imple-
      mented instant land record recording and initiated the massive task of
      digitizing vital records dating back to 1754, making them accessible
           Warren served as President of the North Carolina Register of
      Deeds Association in 2012 and was awarded the Eunice Ayers Award
      in 2013, the association’s most prestigious award.
           Under Warren’s leadership, the Register of Deeds office received
      the iGO Innovator Award in 2019. Warren, who is also a talented
      artist, designed the winning cover for the North Carolina Guidebook
      for Registers of Deeds (11th edition) in2022.
           “Lee Warren’s unwavering dedication to Cumberland County  Cumberland County Register of Deeds J. Lee Warren Jr., surrounded by family, friends and colleagues, is honored at a retirement ceremony
      has made a lasting impact on our community,” said Board of Commis-                and reception held in the Judge E. Maurice Braswell Cumberland County Courthouse Nov. 19.
      sioners Chairman Glenn Adams. “His leadership and innovative con-
      tributions to both the Board of Commissioners and the Register of   A lifelong resident of Cumberland County, Warren is a graduate of Methodist College and completed the International
      Deeds office have set a standard of excellence that will be felt for  Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officers and Treasurers Certificate of Public Leadership program from George Wash-
      years to come. On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, we thank  ington University in 2016.
      Lee for his decades of service and wish him the very best in his well-  Senior Assistant Register of Deeds Andra Brewington filed for Register of Deeds office and was elected Nov. 5. Brewington
      deserved retirement.”                                          has been with the Cumberland County Register of Deeds since 1996. She will be sworn in Dec. 2.
                                                                          Learn more about the Cumberland County Register of Deeds at

                         28        th                                                                The Wonder of the Season

                                                                                                     Happy Holidays from PWC

                                                                                                       As you hang those decorations that bring such joy,
                                                                                                       SOHDVH UHPHPEHU VDIHW\ ˉUVW
                                                                                                       )  ,I \RX KDYH D OLYH WUHH  NHHS LW ZHOO ZDWHUHG
                                                                                                       )  If using incandescent lights, take extra care
                                                                                                          (they’re hot when handled or placed next to
                                                                                                          other objects), and limit the number of strands
                                                                                                          \RX VWULQJ WRJHWKHU  %HWWHU \HW Ȩ XVH  /('V ȝ
                                                                                                          they’re safer (stay cool to the touch), you can string
           Celebrating our                                                                                PRUH WRJHWKHU  DQG WKH\ ODVW PXFK ORQJHU
                                                                                                       )  Make sure all lights/electric decorations have
      28  Year in Practice!                                                                                 WKH 8/ VHDO DQG RXWGRRU OLJKWV DUH ODEHOHG IRU
                                                                                                         RXWGRRU XVH
                                                                                                       )  1HYHU XVH FRUGV WKDW DUH IUD\HG RU GDPDJHG
                                                                                                       )  'RQȠW UXQ H[WHQVLRQ FRUGV LQ WUDIˉF SDWKV RU
               “Your                                                                                     )   When using a ladder, be sure it’s sturdy,
                                                                                                         RYHUORDG VRFNHWV

                                                                                                         OLQHV  %H VXUH WR IROORZ WKH PDQXIDFWXUHUȠV
                                                                                                            securely placed and away from power
             FIRST                                                                                       )   Unplug decorations before you leave
                                                                                                         LQVWUXFWLRQV IRU XVH
                                                                                                            KRPH RU JR WR EHG
                 Stop                                                                                  *Visit our website for more safety tips,

                                                                                                       as well as details on earning a bill
                                                                                                       credit for purchasing holiday LEDs.
          Following                                                                                      Making Spirits Bright

                                                                                                       PWC is proud to be part of cherished
                                                                                                       FRPPXQLW\ WUDGLWLRQV DQG IHVWLYH HYHQWV
                     A                                                                                 For more than 68 years, we’ve been
                                                                                                       hanging holiday decorations downtown,
                                                                                                       and we support the Fayetteville-Cumberland
                                                                                                       Parks and Recreation’s “Christmas in the Park
                                                                                                       3RZHUHG E\ 3:&ȣ DQG Ȣ+ROLGD\ /LJKWV LQ WKH
                  Car                                                                                  *DUGHQȣ DW &DSH )HDU %RWDQLFDO *DUGHQ

        Accident.”                 TM

                                                                                                   FOR CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES GO TO:
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