Page 10 - The FayettevillePress newspaper December 2024 Holiday Edition
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Page 10                                                                                The Fayetteville Press Newspaper December 2024 Holiday Edition

                   Call Laura Hardy

                          Dr. Marvin Connelly, Jr. Announces Retirement, Marking a Legacy of

                                                       Excellence in Cumberland County Schools

            FAYETTEVILLE,  N.C.  –  Cumberland                                                                                                           National Magna Awards for eq-
       County  Schools  (CCS)  Superintendent  Dr.                                                                                                 uity efforts (2021 and 2022)
       Marvin Connelly, Jr. announced his retirement                                                                                                    North      Carolina       State
       this evening during the Board of Education meet-                                                                                            Superintendent’s Purple Star District
       ing, marking the culmination of 34 years of dis-                                                                                            Awards  (2021–2024)  for  military-
       tinguished  service  in  public  education.  Dr.                                                                                            friendly practices
       Connelly, who has served as the superintendent                                                                                                   Forbes  Best-in-State  Employer
       of CCS since 2018, will officially retire on July                                                                                           recognition (2021 and 2024)
       1, 2025.                                                                                                                                         The 2024 A. Craig Phillips North
             Reflecting on his tenure, Dr. Connelly ex-                                                                                            Carolina Superintendent of the Year
       pressed his deep appreciation for the opportu-                                                                                              award.
       nity to lead CCS through transformative change.                                                                                                   Dr. Connelly also served as the
             “I am profoundly grateful to this Board of                                                                                            first National Superintendent Chair for
       Education, to our incredible staff, to our students                                                                                         The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society,
       and families, and to this entire community for                                                                                              further highlighting his commitment to
       the unwavering support and partnership that have                                                                                            education and community service.
       made  this  journey  so  meaningful,”  said  Dr.                                                                                                  As he prepares to transition into
       Connelly. “When I began this role in 2018, we                                                                                               retirement, Dr. Connelly remains op-
       laid out an ambitious vision—The Cumberland                                                                                                 timistic about CCS’ future.
       Commitment: Strategic Plan—to transform our
       schools and create opportunities for every stu-                                                                                                  “This  decision  is  not  one  I’ve
       dent  to  succeed. Together,  we’ve  brought  that                                                                                          made lightly, but I feel within myself
       vision to life—raising graduation rates, reduc- fessionals, Exceptional Environment, and Committed Community.                               that  it’s  time  to  step  into  the  next
       ing low-performing schools, achieving equity in      Dr. Connelly’s career is defined by a commitment to equity, innovation and excellence. chapter of my life,” he said. “My wife,
       technology access, and strengthening family and Before joining CCS, he held leadership roles in the Wake County Public School System, serv- Joyce, our children, and especially our
       community partnerships. The work we’ve done ing as Chief of Staff and Assistant Superintendent for Student Services. He began his career 11 grandchildren have been a constant
       has been nothing short of extraordinary.”       as a special education teacher assistant and worked as a teacher, assistant principal, and prin- source of joy and inspiration, and they
             In 2019, shortly after stepping into his role cipal at both the middle and high school levels.                                        deserve more of my time. My church
       as superintendent, Dr. Connelly worked with the      A proud veteran, Dr. Connelly served in the U.S. Army, including time with the 82nd family,  who  has  supported  me  so
       Board of Education and stakeholders to develop Airborne Division. His military service shaped his focus on leadership, discipline and service. faithfully throughout this journey, also
       The Cumberland Commitment: Strategic Plan.           Dr. Connelly holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from North Carolina State needs me in a greater capacity. We’ve
       This community-driven strategic plan set a bold University, two master’s degrees, and a doctorate in educational leadership from East Caro- built a strong foundation, and CCS is
       vision to guide the district’s growth in four pri- lina University.                                                                         well-positioned  to  continue  moving
       ority areas: Successful Students, Premier Pro-       Under Dr. Connelly’s leadership, CCS earned numerous accolades, including:             forward.”
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