Page 8 - The FayettevillePress newspaper December 2024 Holiday Edition
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Page 8                                                                                             The Fayetteville Press December 2024 Holiday Edition

                                                 Editorial / Opinion

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                Open our minds … it’s a New Year … 2025

            Donald Trump could be President                                                               lions of dollars playing video games, writ-
       of the United States despite his felony                                                            ing music, and others through social me-
       convictions.                                                                                       dia. Our churches need to do a better job           The  Fayetteville  Press
            Many Americans  believed  a  felon                                                            attracting young people based on charac-                  Newspaper
       could  not  be  elected  President  of  the                                                        ter as opposed to titles. My dear friend Jeff       “Your  Community  Newspaper”
       United States. However, on November 5,                                                             Washington of Lumberton, North Carolina
                                                                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 9166
       2024, Donald Trump was elected as Presi-                                                           a used car salesman recently passed. Jeff           Fayetteville * NC 28311
       dent. I personally observed our current                                                            gave hope and opportunity to many fami-
       Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign                                                            lies  whose  destiny  was  limited  to  those        (910) 323-3120 - Office
       team  choose  not  to  invest  in  our  local                                                      from whom they could seek a ride because 
       African American radio stations. Prior to                                                          they were without transportation. With his                  E-mail:
       any inquiry, I stated on my 11am weekly                                                            help people were empowered with; fami-      
       radio show Visions airing on 97.7  fm and                 By Atty Allen W. Rogers                  lies were strengthened; opportunities were
       1400 am, that to not to do so would be                         (910) 433-0833                      limitless and goals were met.                        *Publisher - JJ Jones
       proof of a conspiracy to lose. We had a                                                                 My Dad Zack Rogers Jr. was a com-
       local  FM  station  104.5  owned  by  the      forded career positions that substantially im-      mon man a truck driver with a 10th grade               *General Manager
                                                                                                                                                                 Chrystal M. Thomas
       Carson Family and one of the  first Afri-      proved their quality of life.                       education. He was a devoted husband, great
       can American FM radio stations in NC.               In our legal system we watched children        father, and a powerful man of GOD. Hav-                 *Sales Manager
       The Carson’s  sought  to market VP Har-        grow up in homes where we knew criminal             ing grown up in a time where a child work-               Dwight Brown
       ris but were denied.  I then began to ques-    activity and violence was a daily and common        ing to support the family was a  priority as
       tion the seriousness of her candidacy for      experience.                                         opposed to an education, he would often              *Editor - Jae McKrae
       President. Thus it appears to have been             Allowing our children to be exposed to an      say “we have done so much for so long with
       more about politics , optics, and misin-       environment inconsistent with our stated val-       so little that we can do almost anything             *Special Corespondent
       formation than about success. However,         ues and norms for success perpetuates an ex-        with nothing.“ When he would lean back in             Queen Degraphenrei
       there is a silver lining as President Elect    ponential  community  of  the  same.  I  once       the  pulpit  at  The  New  St  John  Holiness             Staff Writer
       Donald Trump sits at the pinnacle of our       worked a case where a child was allowed to          Church in Laurinburg and lift his left leg              Shelia Mclaughlin
       countries value system; his success de-        stay in a home in which law enforcement knew        and point his right index finger (after run-
       spite  felony  convictions  serves  to  lift   was a place of huge drug sales and activity.        ning around the church in his black robe                 *Photgrapher
       other felons above a barrier that in the past  When the child became an adult he ultimately        with gold trim 3 times at 90) he’d say “Give            Bruce Carpenter
       limited them from jobs, professions, and       began to work that family business. After his       us to know“… and wisdom would drip from               *Account Executives
       opportunities. If you can be President of      father’s death the state would take that same       his mouth as did the sweat from his brow.                 Dr. Don Reid
       the USA with felony convictions surely         investigation and direct it toward the son. He      His faith, his character, his depth and de-
       you should be worthy of trust and able to      spent over 24 years in prison for his involve-      termination  had  a  huge  impact  upon  his              *Distribution
       work and serve in any other capacity.          ment despite the clear evidence that he had         family, his community, and our society. He                Michael Dykes
            A college degree while nice to have       been groomed all his life at the pleasure of        often said “if you don’t have time to do it             Nero B. Coleman
       is not required for success and prosper-       the state for what he became involved with. We      right  the  first  time  you  definitely  don’t
       ity.  Our  community  college  system  at      must look for innovative ways to protect these      have time to do it over.“ My father in his           * Graphic Designed By
                                                                                                                                                                   Roslyn Graphic
       FTCC  offers  many  certifications  that       children  from  such  mental  abuse  in  their      93 years did it right.
       qualify you immediately for jobs with six      homes.                                                                                                      *Staff  Chaplain
       figure salaries. I’ve often noted how all           The character of a man is not measured              Let’s open our minds to this New Year                       Bishop
       the janitorial staff in our court house ap-    by what he acquired for himself but by the fruit    and opportunities to improve ourselves, our             Larry O. Wright, Jr.
       pears to be black but all the engineers,       he bore and from those affected by his gifts        circumstances, and succeed in spite of any
       electricians,  and  technical  staff  are      and compassion for mankind. There was a pow-        perceived  barriers.  We  still  live  in  the                       E-Mail:
       mostly non African American. There are         erful message at the WIDU prayer breakfast          greatest country in the world and “GOD has       
       many programs at FTCC that are a year or       2024,  that  encouraged  our  churches  to  not     given us to know”  ….”He’s still in charge.”               Web-Site
       less that could qualify you for a higher       limit their heroes to lawyers and doctors. In                                                 
       paid more technical job or position. Our       this society success can be achieved through             Merry Christmas and Happy New                            For
       local Public Works Commission has many         many occupations and disciplines never con-         Year Atty. Allen W Rogers -The Rogers                    Subscriptions
       employees whose training at FTCC af-           sidered in the past. Some people make mil-          Firm PLLC                                                     Call
                                                                                                                                                                 (910) 323-3120

                                                                                                      A New Year with New Beginnings

                                                                              Happy New Year! 2025 is going to be a year of prosperity and peace of mind. Here are some tips to ponder while setting your New Year’s
                                                          1. Keep your resolutions simple and realistic. Make your resolutions specific, measurable and attainable. Devise a step-by-step plan
                                                             of action to achieve them.
                                                          2. Place your resolutions where you can see them every day. It is imperative to write your resolutions down and place them in an
                                                             area where you can see them on a daily basis. This keeps them in the forefront of your thoughts and mind.
                                                          3. Stay focused and obtain an accountability partner. Keep your eye on the prize and have someone who has your best interest to help
                                                             keep you on track when you get discouraged. If you fall off, get back on track.
                                                          4. Celebrate! Continue to celebrate your big and small successes towards your resolutions. This will keep you motivated as you get closer
                                                             to achieving them.
                                                           Here are a few New Year’s resolutions to consider for 2025:

                                                          1. Perform an act of kindness each week. Strive to make the world a better place. There is nothing more meaningful than helping
                                                             others. It makes my day when I am in the McDonald’s drive thru and someone has paid for my breakfast. Pay it forward. Put a smile on
                                                             someone’s face.

                                                          2. Have a little talk with Jesus. Build and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. He will bless and restore your joy and peace. You may
          By Dr. Shanessa Fenner, Principal                  not always get what you want, but he will give you what you need. Experience the greatness of God because you are the seed of
                                                             Abraham. In him is who I trust.
                                                          3. Learn a new hobby or skill. Adopt the mindset of being a lifelong learner. Don’t be put in a box and only knowing how to do one thing
                                                             in life. You have to have backup plans. I love being multifaceted and no one can take it from me.

                                                          4. Be courageous and intentional. You were not given a spirit of fear. Go after what you want. Make things happen. If you don’t go
                                                             after what you want, you will never have it. Do not miss your moment or opportunity.

                                                          5. Don’t settle for less. Desperation causes you to settle for anything, everything or something. You see the red flags in a relationship, but
                                                             you continue to ignore them. You are being abused and misused because you have been alone for so long. Know your worth. You are the
                                                             head and not the tail which means you are on the top and never at the bottom.

                                                          6. Focus on your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health. You have to learn how to have a healthy balance of these for your
                                                             self-care and well-being. They are interconnected and prioritizing wellness is the key to improving your overall health.
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