Page 7 - The FayettevillePress newspaper December 2024 Holiday Edition
P. 7

The Fayetteville Press December 2024 Holiday Edition                                                                                 Page 7

                                        Church News

                  There is No Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. The Bible Even Tells Us the Opposite.

                Reflections on God are common right now.
                We are about to enter a new year. Many of us are getting                                                        Going back all the way to the beginning, God gave us the
           ready to celebrate Christmas or Hanukah. With 2024 “virtually                                                   means to our own salvation or our demise. He gave us free will
           certain” to be the hottest year on record, some may look at the                                                 – along with His many commandments was the free will to
           symptoms of the climate crisis – the extreme heat, the fires and                                                choose whether or not to follow them. The other thing God
           floods, the climate-charged cyclones – as signs of God’s wrath.                                                 gave us was fire.
                Whether you believe in the Bible, the Torah, the Quran, or                                                      Ultimately fire became electrical power. But it was the
           are an atheist, we can all agree there is a moral imperative to                                                 tool that allowed humanity to thrive; to give us light in the
           address the climate crisis. After all, it kills people and destroys                                             dark and warmth in the cold.
           lives. The cause of the climate crisis – the burning of fossil fuels                                                 So, the energy we needed for warmth, light, and eventu-
           – is also responsible for plenty of death and destruction.                                                      ally transportation and more, came from burning things. And
                Donald Trump’s choice for Secretary of Energy Chris Wright                                                 what  people  burned  were  the  things  that  were  most  readily
           and one of his picks to co-lead the so-called Department of Gov-                                                accessible and easy to harness – starting with wood, then oils
           ernment Efficiency (DOGE) Vivek Ramaswamy seem to have a                                                        from animals and trees, then coal, then petroleum, and so on.
           different message. It is one that turns the concept of morality on                                              Over the eons, as the number of people increased exponen-
           its head and distorts reality.                                                                                  tially, the accessibility of these finite sources began to shrink
                Wright has invented a warped “moral case” for the rampant                                                  exponentially. Whale species were hunted to the brink of ex-
           extraction and burning of fossil fuels. Wright portrays fossil fu-                                              tinction for their oil. Island nations and huge swaths of the
           els like oil, gas, and coal as virtuous. He has even called goals to                                            continents were deforested.
           reduce greenhouse gas emissions “perverse.”                                                                          For a long time, we thought the answer was to replenish
                What he leaves out is that the current and future American                                                 the finite things to burn as best we could. But along the way,
           economy is powered by clean energy. The clean energy revolu-                                                    we realized God gave us infinite sources of energy that had
           tion is behind the rebirth of American manufacturing and is lift-  Ben Jealous is the Executive Director of the Sierra Club  always been abundant in the Garden: the sun and the wind. We
           ing  people  out  of  poverty.  The  jobs  created  pay  well  and  are and a Professor of Practice at the University of Pennsylvania.  realized the terrible cost of burning through the finite sources
           safer. And  consumers  are  saving  money  with  renewable  clean                                               was not simply running out of things to burn, it was extreme
           energy sources like solar and wind because they are now both it "false" with "no evidence to support this assertion."  weather and our planet becoming ever less hospitable due to
           more resilient and less expensive to produce than fossil fuels.  To  pretend  there  is  a  moral  case  for  fossil  fuels  re-  warming. The signs all pointed to the need to make the switch
                And if we want to talk poverty, what about the countless quires more than mental gymnastics. It requires willful dis-  from the finite sources of energy – and the destruction they
           families  that  have  been  bankrupted  and  sent  into  poverty  be- honesty.                                  cause – to the infinite sources, which are kinder both to people
           cause of pollution, fossil fuel leaks and explosions, and unbear-  But let us look to scripture. It is as good a place as any  and to all of God’s creation. We can power our world and tend
           able health care costs to treat the diseases fossil fuels cause? Or to start, since the Bible and its lessons help guide so many  the Garden at the same time.
           the extreme weather disasters we see ravaging communities with people’s idea of morality. In it, God gave us a formula that  In the Bible, when humans finally understood the mes-
           increasing frequency and intensity?                       certainly seems to be coming into focus today.        sage  and  acted  in  ways  God  wanted,  flood  waters  receded;
                Ramaswamy said last year, “The reality is more people are  In the Book of Genesis, God charged people with be-  fires stopped. So if saving lives, improving health outcomes,
           dying of bad climate change policies than they are of actual cli- ing stewards of the Garden of Eden. He told Adam and Eve  and expanding economic opportunity through more and better
           mate change.”                                             to cultivate and care for it. This early commandment recog-  jobs are not enough of a moral calling to prioritize the clean
                It is a claim utterly backwards, even Orwellian. The New  nizes nature – also known as God’s creation – as something  energy transition, look to the Bible and listen to God. His mes-
                York Times fact checked the statement and correctly rated to be grateful for and respected.                sage seems to be pretty clear.

                 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH                                       Power & Praise Ministries                                 Fayetteville  Cumberland  County

             302 Moore Street* Fayetteville, NC 28301                                                                                      Ministerial Council, Inc.
                                                                           “For nothing will be impossible with God. Luke 1:37
                    Sunday                                                                              Wednesday                                       Be Hold, how good and how

            Morning Worship Service                                                                     Bible Study                                     pleasant it is for brethren to
                   10:15 a.m.                                                                            (7:00pm )                                      dewell together in unity!
                                                                                                   Sunday School -10am                                                      PSALM 133.1
                 Wednesday                                                                       Sunday Service - 11:00am                                FellowshipBreakfast
              Study on Wednesday                                                                                                                            Meets Every 3rd
               (S.O.W.) 6:30 p.m.                                                                 Transportation Available                                  Saturday 8:00am
                                                                                                         Church                                            Solid Rock Bible Church
                                                                                                                                                               5464 Muscat Road
                WIDU 1600 AM            Rev. Dr. Fredrick Culbreth                                (910) 565-3022                                                Hope Mills, NC 28348
                Radio Broadcast              Senior  Minister                                                                                               POC Yvonnie Hodges
                Sunday at 10a.m.                                                 Sr. Pastor             Secretary                                            (910)797-5879 *424-9444
                                              (910) 483-6505             Bishop Dr. Jenson McFadden  (910) 850-6795               Apostle Georgia Walker
                                                                         Pastor Dr. Doretha McFadden                                                         Any Minister of the Christian
                                                     JensonMcFadden                            910-624-0929        Is Welcome To Join Us.
                                                                                Masjid Omar Ibn Sayyid                              Abundant Life Church of God

                                                                            2700 Murchison Road *Fayetteville NC  28301                220 Pelt Drive * Fayetteville,  NC 28301
                                                                               All are invited and welcome!

                                                                                                      Friday Prayer
                                                                                                      (Jumuah)  1:30 PM
                                                                                                  Sunday Public Lecture

                                                                                                         1:30 PM
                                                                                                      Monthly Food                  Worship
                                                                            Imam Bobby Thomas          Distribution              Sunday School      Bishop J C Monroe, Jr
                                                                                                                                                    Founder & Pastor
                                                                            (910) 488-7322        3rd Saturday 9:00 AM              (9:00am)          Facecooklive
                                                                         WIDU 1600 Radio Broadcast Saturday 2:30 pm             Wednesday Night - Family Training Hour (7:00pm)

                                                                                           Heal The Land Outreach Ministries

                                                                                                 414 Hall Street * Fayetteville, NC 28301

                                                                              Sunday Morning Prayer

                                                                                   10:45- 11:00 am
               Rev. Christoppher Stackhouse
                                                                           Morning Worship - 11:00 am

                                                                                 Christian Education
                                                                            1st & 3rd Wednesday: 7:30pm
                                                                                        Joy Night                         Church Phone                  Bishop Larry O. Wright, Sr.
                                                                           2nd & 4th Wednesday: 7:30 pm (910) 491-0738                               Elect Lady Minister Deborah Wright
                                                                                                                                                            Pastor & Founder
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