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Page 2 The Fayetteville Press December 2024 Holiday Edition
Dr. Mark Stephen Thompson, D.D.S.
(Family Dentistry)
114 Campus Avenue * Raeford, NC 28376
(910) 875-3625
(910) 875-3625
(910) 875-3625
(910) 875-3625
(910) 875-3625
(910) 875-3622
(910) 875-3622
(910) 875-3622
(910) 875-3622
(910) 875-3622
Dr. Mark Thompson
(910) 875-3622
Express Tax Services
Tax Service
5114 Yadkin Road *Ste 132
Fayetteville, NC 28303
Walter Bell
*Past Due
Income Tax Returns
Up to 10 Years
Winter weather can lead to seasonal depression in some, but psychotherapeutic assistance, also known as talk therapy.
it doesn’t have to become a year-round sentence. Treatment usually lasts just three to six sessions. It includes
solution-based therapy, focusing on coping skills and (910) 583-9547
Once known as Seasonal Affective Disorder, the condition
affects up to 20 percent of the U.S. population. While
men may suffer from seasonal depression, 75 percent of This treatment strategy focuses on patient thoughts and
sufferers are women. The depression usually begins in early behaviors, changing attitudes and improving reactions.
adulthood, but may also occur in children and teens.
Lifestyle changes can also help. Watching TV and using a
While the average person experiences a mild version of cell phone at night can disturb sleep patterns. Turn them
seasonal depression, six to eight percent suffers the kind of off before bed. Exercise and a healthy diet can also ward off
effects that make people want to curl up and hide inside. seasonal depression.
The mood disorder is most often triggered when the outside Medication can help, but most antidepression medications
temperatures change from warm to cold. As the days grow take up to six weeks to take effect, so seasonal depression
shorter, sufferers become homebodies or feel less motivated. sufferers should be proactive about getting help.
And saying “snap out of it” just doesn’t work.
Outpatient services for adults and children ages 4 and older
The good news is that seasonal depression is fairly normal, are available at the Community Mental Health Center at
but it’s often confused with simple winter blues. The Cape Fear Valley. It is located at 711 Executive Place in
difference between the two are the degrees of severity. Fayetteville. For an appointment or more information, call
(910) 615-3333. Walk-in appointments are welcome based
Mental health experts define seasonal depression as a
on availability.
depressive disorder. To be diagnosed, people must experience
two consecutive years of depression during the same season Did you know that Cape Fear Valley Health has a radio
and relief once the season changes. show? It’s called Making Rounds Live and it airs on the
second and fourth Tuesday of each month on the WIDU
Sufferers also think differently than normal people. Many
newtwork and Cape Fear Valley’s Facebook page. Catch up
dwell on past events and see them as negative signs of things
on past episodes at
to come, according to John T. Bigger, Director of Behavioral
Scan the QR code below with your smartphone to see host
Health and Sleep Center and a Licensed Professional
Omega Jones and John Bigger discussing Seasonal Affective
Counselor at Cape Fear Valley Health.
Disorder, seasonal depression and how you can get help!
“People ruminate on how bad things have been,” he said,
“instead of how bright the future could be. The best thing for
them to do is to seek help.”
Bigger says seasonal depression can lead to a host of other
problems. They include decreasing work productivity, failure
to form positive relationships and general retreat from daily
People who think they may have the condition should see
their primary care physician or a mental health professional.
Treatment plans for seasonal depression can include
medication management and psychiatric and
Join us for Making Rounds Live on the 2 and 4 Tuesdays every month, from 11 a.m. to Noon, on