Page 39 - Homeroom Primer
P. 39



                        T  H  I  S     S  E  C  T  I  O  N     C  O  V  E  R  S     A  L  L     Q  U  E  S  T  I  O  N  S     A  N  D

                        C   O  N  C   E  R  N  S     O  N     H  O  W     T  O     R  E  Q  U  E  S  T     D  I  F  F  E  R  E  N  T

                       D   O  C  U   M   E  N  T  S     F  R  O  M     T  H  E     S  C  H  O  O  L     R  E  G  I  S  T  R  A  R  .

                                                                          From whom can parents request for

                                                                          school documents?

                                                                        Transcript of Records (ToR) or Form 137, Report Card
                                                                        (Form 138), Recommendation Letter, Certificate of

                                                                        Good Moral and other pertinent documents may be
                                                                        requested from the Registration Office at


             How does a transferring student

             request for a recommendation


             For students who will transfer schools, the

             subject teacher will coordinate with the
             Registration Office regarding

             recommendation letter requests.
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