Page 7 - DWN Regional Leader Handbook_October_2023
P. 7

About Us                                                                          About Us

 1  OUR NETWORK IN                                                                  1

 An organisation of impact

 OUR VISION                       OUR PURPOSE
 To support transformational change in Dairy.   To empower our people
 •  We will support our members to adapt to future opportunities
 Why  with courage.  •  To empower and inspire our people!
 •  We will aspire to be in the best possible financial position.
 •  We want to be acknowledged for contributing to the success of
 our members and the dairy sector.

 •  Value, nurture & ensure our   •  Provide development   •  Provide an environment where people   CELEBRATE
 Partner relationships remain   opportunities for the DWN   can learn, connect, and grow in a   •  Ensure there is a place for all in the
 strong to providea strong   team & members.  positive and trusted environment.  dairy industry to share knowledge,
 financial foundations for DWN.  •  Deliver learning & leadership   •  Continue to be recognised & respected   learn, connect, feel supported and have
 What  •  Support our Partners to ensure   opportunities to support and   within the sector and continue to   a sense of belonging.
 grow people & sustainable
     develop people & leadership capability  •  Celebrate people and the sector
 the funding supports today’s
 performance and tomorrows   profitable businesses.  for the future.   to ensure we continue to grow our
 growth.  •  •Members grow in confidence to step   members to influence regionally,
 •  Learning will be needs-based        nationally and globally.
 for today and building future   forward and step up to fulfill their
 capability.  personal & professional aspirations.  •  Help build trust and pride within the
   •  Encourage, support diversity of thought.  sector.
     •  Accountable, and we will       •  Sector leading
       encourage and support           •  Innovative
       innovation.                     •  Meaningful
 How  •  Lead by example.              •  Collaborative
 We are inclusive.   We will provide   We will provide meaningful   •  Support our members to
 We provide an enironment   opportunities to bring   learning, leadership, and   achieve their goals.
 where people feel they   people together to connect development opportunities
 belong.  in a safe environment and   where people share
 contribute to building   knowledge and feel
 strong communities.  supported.
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