Page 5 - Partnering with DWN_August 2022
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Our Strategic Focus
Create value
• Value, strengthen and nurture our Partner relationships and in turn
strengthen the DWN financial foundation
• Connect with our members in a meaningful way
Cultivate capability
• Offer development opportunities for the DWN team and our members
• Deliver knowledge and leadership-based workshops and events to
empower, support and guide our members to support and grow
sustainable and profitable businesses
Lead and Empower
• Provide a safe and trusted environment for our members and volunteers
to connect, grow, adapt, and change out of positivity and not fear
• Be open to embracing change
Connect, collaborate and celebrate
• Ensure there is a place for all in the dairy industry to share knowledge,
connect, and support
• Share and celebrate the dairy story with our members to drive greater
engagement with NZ consumers and create a greater understanding of
the industry