Page 22 - Strategic Plan 24-29
P. 22


         These three strategic priorities, of course, need to be financed to be deliverable:

         Retention plans have been progressed over the last few years and funded within
         annual budgets. Payment of the Real Living Wage, as a starting point for all frontline

         delivery staff, is now established and should keep pace with incremental changes.
         Any future additional improvements to staff terms & conditions, in addition to the
         recent introduction of paid sick leave and enhanced maternity pay, should be fully
         costed and included in operating budgets.

         Growth is the key priority that requires investment to achieve. Careful consideration
         should be made to how any expansion will be funded, for example, opening up new
         services requires an investment in development staff time, initial set up costs (capital,

         regulatory, recruitment, marketing), and initial revenue costs (until income reaches
         sustainable levels). Planning for any new or service expansions, should be fully costed
         and accompanied by a fundraising plan. Options to achieve this include seeking
         charitable/social enterprise grants, loan finance (from the likes of Social Investment

         Scotland) or investing reserves, and can be assessed using a risk/benefit model.

         Brand development should be ongoing and progressed at every opportunity. A
         marketing budget should be included within annual expenditure plans to give best

         value/maximum impact for inputs.

         Required Action: ensure that all delivery plans are fully costed, with investment
         sources identified.
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