Page 19 - PetVet 2022 Master Benefits Guide_CA Final
P. 19

Comparison – FSA vs. HSA

                                          Flexible Spending Account (FSA)   Health Savings Account (HSA)
         If I don’t spend it all this year,   You can roll over up to $550 to use   Yes— the balance rolls over year after
         can I use it next year?          in the following year. Any remaining   year. The account is yours- you own it!
                                          balance in excess of $550 will be

         Do expenses have to be           Yes                               No– Expenses can be incurred any time
         incurred during the plan year?                                     after you open your account
         Can I cash it out at any point?  No                                Yes, but if you cash it out and do not use
                                                                            the money for qualified health care
                                                                            expenses, you will have to pay taxes on it.
                                                                            And you may also have to pay a 20% tax
         Can I keep my account if I leave   No- Unless continued through    Yes
         PetVet Care Centers?             COBRA
         When can I start spending it?    You can start using your FSA funds  You can only spend money that has been
                                          after your first paycheck that    deposited in your account.
                                          includes your deduction.
         Can I change the amount I        Only with a life status change    Yes— you can change your elected
         elected to contribute when I first                                 amount at any time during the year.
         Can I use the funds to pay       No                                Yes
         COBRA premium?
         Are the contributions pre-tax?   Yes – deducted from your paycheck  Yes – deducted from your paycheck on a
                                          on a pre-tax basis                pre-tax basis
         Whose expenses can I use the     You, your spouse, and your eligible   You, your spouse, and your eligible
         funds for?                       dependents                        dependents

         Although you can choose a High Deductible Health Plan option, if you currently have a Healthcare
          FSA, due to IRS guidelines, you will not be able to open an HSA bank account if you have any rollover
          FSA funds – so be sure to spend down your account prior to the close of the current plan year.
         Dependent Care Spending Accounts do not affect HSA Plan participation

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