Page 20 - PetVet 2022 Master Benefits Guide_CA Final
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Life / AD&D Coverage
Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance is an important part of your
financial security, especially if others depend on you for support.
Basic Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance
PetVet Care Centers has partnered with NY Life and is pleased to provide Basic Life and AD&D Coverage to all
eligible employees in the amount of $50,000 at no cost to you!
Employee Supplemental Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
PetVet Care Centers continues to offer Supplemental Life and AD&D with NY Life. Upon meeting eligibility
requirements, you will have the option to elect:
Increments of $10,000 to a maximum of $500,000 or 5x annual salary
Guaranteed issue when first eligible: the lesser of 5x earnings or $250,000; late entrants are subject to
evidence of insurability and approval is not guaranteed
Supplemental Life premiums are based on the amount of coverage you elect and your age.
You must elect Supplemental Life coverage in order to purchase coverage for your spouse and/or children.
Benefits are reduced as follows: Age 65-69, 65%; Age 70-74, 45%; Age 75-79, 30%; Age 80+ 20%
Spouse Supplemental Life/AD&D Insurance
In the event you are interested in electing additional life insurance coverage for your Spouse, the following
coverage is also available through NY Life:
Increments of $5,000 to a maximum of $250,000; coverage cannot exceed 50% of employee election
Guaranteed issue when first eligible: $30,000; late entrants are subject to evidence of insurability and approval
is not guaranteed.
Benefits are reduced by 35% at age 65 and 50% at age 70
Dependent Supplemental Life/AD&D Insurance
In the event you are interested in electing additional life insurance coverage for your Dependent
child(ren), the following coverage is also available through NY Life:
Age 15 days – 26 years: Flat $5,000 or $10,000 benefit
Age 0 – 14 days: Flat $500
1 At age 70, benefits are reduced to 50%