Page 105 - Texas Rangers 2021 Front Office Flipbook
P. 105
FSA Debit Cards:
Health Care FSA Debit Card Receipt Requests for FSA Debit Cards
Once you become eligible to participate you will You may receive a receipt request for additional follow-
automatically receive 2 cards in the mail to be used for up documentation for the following reasons:
Health Care FSA expenses. Your provider is charging the wrong co-pay amount to the
The cards will NOT have the same card numbers but will card (hint: the card will still work at the time the service is
have the primary participant’s name on both of the cards. provided).
If the amount charged to the FSA Debit Card matches a co- You have used the card to pay for a deductible or co-
pay (or co-pay multiple) under your Employer’s health insurance expense (hint: the card will still work at the time
plan, you will not be asked to submit a receipt. the service is provided). This often occurs at a hospital.
As long as you use the card at a participating pharmacy You have a recurring expense, such as a monthly fee from
(see list on TaxSaver Plan’s website) you will not be asked the Orthodontist or day care provider, and this is the first
to submit documentation for prescription or over-the- time you have used the FSA Debit Card. Once you submit
counter items! the documentation & it is approved, future dollar amounts
equal to the initial charge will pass through without a
Your card may be denied when you are out of funds or request for additional documentation. This is called a
when you are at a non-participating provider – not sure? recurring expense.
Call TaxSaver Plan's Customer Care Department or log into Finally, request for additional receipt documentation does
your account online. not mean that your provider has not been paid. It only
means that the amount charged to the card is not meeting
the required tests to pass through without being flagged.
By sending in your itemized provider statements within 35
days from receipt of the notice, your card stays active!
2 ½ Month Grace Period:
What is the 2 ½ Month Grace Period? How Does it work?
The 2 ½ Month Grace Period allows participants an IMPORTANT: any time you use the FSA Debit Card the
additional period of time to incur expenses after the plan current plan year dollars are always being used for those
year ends on 12/31 of each year. services provided…
If an expense is incurred between 01/01 and 03/15 of the So, if you have a service provided in the first 2 ½ months of
following year AND submitted for reimbursement on or the new plan year and you wish for the dollars to be paid
before 03/31 of that same following year, any remaining out of your previous plan year balance that is remaining,
balance in the previous plan year that ended 12/31 will be DO NOT use your FSA Debit Card to pay for the service.
paid from that claim, even though the service was Remember to submit claims for services rendered 01/01 –
provided in the NEW plan year. 03/15 by 03/31 of the following year to ensure any
The 2 ½ Month Grace Period applies to the Dependent Day remaining balance available in the old plan year is
Care and Health Care FSA reimbursed, thus leaving you with a $0.00 balance at the
The claims are paid first-in/first-out…please read on: end of the claims run-off period.
Questions? Please contact TaxSaver Plan’s Customer Care
Department for clarification.
Additional questions about this benefit should be directed to TaxSaver Plan at 214-559-0472 or 800-328-4337.
You may also email your questions to