Page 109 - Texas Rangers 2021 Front Office Flipbook
P. 109
Welcome to the Plan Rollover Contributions
You are eligible to participate in the Rangers Baseball 401(k) The Plan will accept rollovers of accounts from
Savings and Retirement Plan if you are least 21 years of age. most eligible retirement plans and pre-tax IRAs,
even if you are not saving in the Plan. To start your
Your Contributions rollover, log on to Click
Unless you elect otherwise, 3% of your pay will be contributed on Account Details at the top of the page. Then,
automatically to your pre-tax contributions account through select Contributions from the left menu under
convenient payroll deductions. Your contributions to the Plan will Account Activity. From there, click “Get started
automatically continue to increase by 1% every year, until you’re from here” to begin the rollover process. Follow the
saving 6%. You may elect to increase, decrease or stop your instructions on the form about informing your prior
contributions at any time. You may also opt out of the automatic administrator. Submit your form to the Milliman
increase feature at any time. Benefits Service Center with or before your rollover
You may elect to save more or less. You may save from 1% up to check is mailed.
100% of total pay (subject to IRS limits that are not plan-specific). You Vesting
may elect to save in one or a combination of the following ways:
▶ Pre-tax 401(k) contributions, which are deducted from your Vesting means gaining ownership. You are
paycheck before income taxes are withheld. You pay taxes on always 100% vested in your contributions, rollover
money, and any investment earnings in those
these contributions and earnings when you withdraw the money
from the Plan. accounts. You gain ownership of discretionary
matching contributions and discretionary Profit
▶ Roth after-tax 401(k) contributions, which are deducted from Sharing contributions during the time you work
your paycheck after income taxes are withheld. You will not pay for the Company according to the chart below.
taxes again on these contributions or on the earnings if you
receive the money as a qualified distribution. YEARS OF VESTING
You may change your contribution elections at any time SERVICE PERCENTAGE*
on Less than 3 0%
Company Contributions 3 or more 100%
Discretionary Matching Contributions * A different vesting schedule applies to contributions made
To encourage you to save for your future, Rangers Baseball LLC may prior to January 1, 2019. Please see the Plan Summary
make a matching contribution. This contribution is discretionary for details.
and may vary from year to year, and in some years a contribution
may not be made. The Plan does have a true-up matching provision
in the event you reach the IRS maximum during the year.
Discretionary Profit Sharing Contributions
Each year, Rangers Baseball LLC may elect to make an additional
discretionary Profit Sharing contribution. You are eligible for
discretionary Profit Sharing contributions after 1 year of service. You
are eligible for discretionary Profit Sharing contributions during any
given Plan year if you complete 1,000 hours of service and are actively
employed on the last day of the Plan year. These requirements are
waived if you retire, become disabled or die during the Plan year.
The goal — retire with enough money. How will you get there? Check out your RISE Score. RISE stands for
Retirement Income Security Evaluation. This retirement readiness metric is similar to a credit score and measures
how prepared you are for retirement.
RISE Scores range from 0–850. The higher your score, the more likely you’ll be able to achieve a healthy
financial outcome.