Page 11 - 2023 SpeciatlyCare Benefit Guide
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2023 Benefits Guide

        Cigna Motivate Me

                                                     Cigna MotivateMe Program® rewards your healthy actions!

                                                     SpecialtyCare wants to help you get and stay healthy. So, when
                                                     you get involved in wellness goals, you can easily earn rewards for
                                                     participating in a variety of activities, including:

        ◼  Health assessment
        ◼  Annual preventive exams                                                                    The rewards you
        ◼  Cigna Healthy Pregnancies, Healthy Babies®                                                 earn apply towards

        Getting started is easy!                                                                      a 2024 benefits
                                                                                                      incentive to reduce
        Visit and select the Wellness dropdown>Wellness & Incentive to:                   your costs.

        ◼  Find detailed instructions on how to get started
        ◼  View a list of eligible goals and matching rewards
        ◼  Check and track your completed goals and earned rewards. Reasonable alternatives may be available for
            certain activities.

                                                                           The rest is up to you
         For eligibility, you (and your spouse*) must complete the
         following:                                                        For more information or help
                                                                           setting up your account, visit
                    Be actively enrolled in one of our Cigna
         Step 1:                                                  or call
                    medical plans for 2023
                                                                           855.246.1873. You can also find
                                                                           information by downloading the

         Step 2:    Register on                                myCigna Mobile App for your
                                                                           mobile device.*

                    Answer a simple online Health Assessment*              Incentive awards may be  subject  to
         Step 3:                                                           tax, and you  are responsible  for  any
                    questionnaire by 11/30/2023*
                                                                           applicable taxes. Please consult with

                    Complete a preventive care visit* between              your personal tax advisor for
         Step 4:                                                           assistance.
                                                                           ** The downloading and use of the
        *If your spouse is on the plan, participation applies to them too!
                                                                           myCigna Mobile App is subject to the
        **The MotivateMe website shows the window as 1/1/2023 – 11/30/2023.   terms and conditions of the App and
        However, we will honor any appropriate preventative care visits    the online stores from which it is
        completed between 12/1/2022-11/30/2023.
                                                                           downloaded. Standard mobile phone
                                                                           carrier and data usage charges apply.

          You can track your goal completion progress and learn more about the program on the Wellness –
                                   Wellness & Incentives page at

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