Page 11 - AFL 2022 Manufacturing Guide with Legal Notices
P. 11



        A Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is an account the company funds that you can use to
        pay for qualified health care expenses.

                   IT HELPS YOU PAY
               FOR MEDICAL EXPENSES                   UNUSED FUNDS ROLL                 YOU CAN USE HRAs
                                                               OVER                         WITH AN FSA
          This includes out-of-pocket expenses to meet
          your deductible, copays and coinsurance.    If you have HRA credits left over at   If you have an HRA, you can also
          Your HRA helps you pay your deductible by   the end of the year, and you’re still   contribute to a Health Care Flexible
          paying the first $750 (single) or $1,250 (family)   enrolled in the HRA medical plan,   Spending Account (FSA), to give
          of eligible medical expenses. Once you have   your funds will roll over.   yourself even more pretax dollars
          exhausted the funds in the HRA, you are   If you leave the company or change   to pay for out-of-pocket medical,
          responsible for the remaining difference to   plans, however, you will forfeit any   dental and vision expenses.
          meet your deductible.                                                      Remember that you can roll over
                                                   remaining balance.                up to $500 dollars from your FSA
          When you enroll in a medical plan that is                                  at the end of the plan year.
          attached to an HRA, the company funds the
          HRA with $750 for individual coverage and
          $1,250 for family coverage. You are not able to
          make contributions to the HRA. (HRA funding
          is prorated for new hires.)

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