Page 7 - AFL 2022 Manufacturing Guide with Legal Notices
P. 7


        Maintenance Medications:
        90 Day Mail Order or Pick Up at CVS or Target for Convenience
        and Savings
        Caremark provides mail order services for medications you will be taking
        for more than 2 months. When you order long-term use or maintenance
        medications through mail order, you will see significant cost savings: a
        90-day supply for the cost of a 75-day supply (if purchased from a retail
        pharmacy). And you can’t beat the convenience: your nearest pharmacy
        is as close as your phone or computer! You can also place your refill
        orders by mail. And since you get a 90-day supply, you only need to
        order refills every few months, instead of heading to the pharmacy
        every few weeks.

        In addition to mail order, you can also pick up your 90 day prescription at
        a CVS or Target pharmacy.

        To initiate the Mail Order Service call the Caremark Fast Start Line at
        855-383-9422. Fast Start will contact your doctor for you to get the
        prescription converted to Mail Order.

        Mail Order Medications:
        You Pay the Difference
        Using a retail pharmacy for ongoing maintenance prescriptions costs
        both you and AFL more. The first four times you go to the retail pharmacy
        to fill the same 30 day maintenance medication, your prescription will
        be filled according to retail costs. Beginning with the third 30 day fill at a
        retail pharmacy, in addition to your co-payment, you will also be charged
        a 20% convenience fee based on the total cost of the prescription. If you
        continue to utilize retail pharmacies for 30 day maintenance medications,
        you will spend much more money. You can pick up your 90 day
        prescriptions at a CVS or Target Pharmacy.

        For example, for a generic drug:
        Drug Total Cost $100, your co- payment amount $10.00 for generic,
        plus 20% of the drug’s total cost $100. You would pay $30.00 for the
        medication each time you fill it at retail.

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