Page 16 - TimkenSteel 2022 Benefit Guide
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Group Accident Insurance Group Legal Plan
Accident insurance helps you and your family prepare for MetLife Legal Plans provide legal representation for you,
extra expenses that sudden, unexpected accidents bring. your spouse, and your dependents at a price that won’t
If you have an active lifestyle, kids in sports or are concerned break your budget. You can receive legal advice and fully
about the financial impact an accident may have, this policy covered legal services for a wide range of personal legal
may be of value to you. This insurance provides you with matters from a network-participating plan attorney.
cash benefit for a covered accident, and for medical services
associated with a covered accident. Some of the services provided include: living wills; powers
of attorney; purchase, sale or refinancing of your primary
The payment you receive upon having an accident can residence; identity theft defense; name change; and civil
be used as you see fit. There are no waiting periods for litigation defense. The plan covers you, your spouse
coverage to begin and a payment will be in addition to any and dependents.
other insurance you may have.
Auto and home insurance
You can also cover your spouse and children. For more
details on this option, contact MetLife at 800-GET-MET8. Farmers GroupSelect auto and home insurance is designed
to help you protect your home and automobile for affordable
Critical Illness Insurance group rates.
• Auto: In addition to basic liability protection, you can get
Critical Illness Insurance provides cash to help pay for both
medical expenses not covered by your medical plan as well 24/7 claim service, rental car damage coverage, Identity
as day-to-day expenses that may start to add up — like rent, Theft Protection Services, towing/roadside assistance,
mortgage, car payments, etc. — while you are ill. With Critical windshield repair without a deductible and more.
Illness Insurance, if you are diagnosed with a covered illness, • Home: Coverage is designed to fully replace your home
you get a lump-sum cash benefit, even if you receive other in the event of a loss and to prevent you from incurring
insurance benefits. extra costs.
Coverage amounts For more information, a quote and to enroll, visit or call 800-438-6381
Employee Spouse Child(ren)
$10,000, 50% of the 50% of the
$20,000 or employee employee
$30,000 coverage coverage
Examples of covered illnesses:
• Cancer
• Heart attack
• Major organ failure
• End-stage renal (kidney) failure
• Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
• Stroke
Your initial benefit provides a lump-sum payment upon
the first diagnosis of a covered condition. Your plan pays
a recurrence benefit for the following covered conditions:
cancer, heart attack, stroke, coronary artery bypass graft,
kidney failure, Alzheimer’s, and 22 additional conditions.