Page 14 - TimkenSteel 2022 Benefit Guide
P. 14
The vision plan provides coverage for routine eye exams and pays for all or a portion of the cost of
glasses or contact lenses. You can choose any provider; however, you always save money if you see
in-network providers. We offer two vision plans through EyeMed.
Essential Plan Enhanced Plan
Plan Provisions In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network
Exam $10 copay Up to $35 off $0 copay Up to $35 off
$0 copay; $130 $0 copay; $160
Frames allowance for any frame Up to $55 off allowance for any frame Up to $80 off
plus 20% off balance plus 20% off balance
more than $130 more than $160
Lenses (standard plastic)
• Single vision lenses $10 copay Up to $25 $10 copay Up to $30
• Bifocal lenses $10 copay Up to $40 $10 copay Up to $50
• Trifocal lenses $10 copay Up to $55 $10 copay Up to $70
Contact Lenses
• Conventional $130 allowance; 15% off Up to $100 $160 allowance; 15% off Up to $128
balance more than $130 balance more than $160
• Disposables $130 allowance Up to $100 $160 allowance Up to $128
• Medically necessary $0 copay; paid in full Up to $210 $0 copay; paid in full Up to $210
• Exam 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
• Lenses 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months
• Frames 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months 12 Months