Page 15 - 2023 SpecialtyCare Hawaii Benefit Guide
P. 15

2023 Benefits Guide

        Voluntary Identity Theft-ID Watchdog
        Twenty-seven million Americans already subscribe to some form of identity theft        DID YOU KNOW?
        protection,  and  43%  indicated  they'd  take  advantage  of  an  identity  theft
        protection  product  offered  by  their  employer  as  an  employee  benefit.  ID   The average victim will lose
        Watchdog  is  a  leading  provider  of  comprehensive  identity  monitoring  as  a   $4,841. For an employee
        deterrent against identity theft. Our proprietary identity monitoring solutions cover   making $50,000 per year,
        every angle of your identity to help you make sure your identity is safe and secure.   that’s 1.5 months of take
        They provide the most comprehensive products available at exclusive prices only   home pay.
        available through your benefits program.                                         Victims of new account
        The  bi-weekly  cost  for  this  plan  is  $4.59  for  single  coverage  or  8.28  for  family   fraud spend an average of
        coverage.                                                                        330 hours repairing the
                                                                                         damage of identity theft,
            IDENTITY THEFT   Experts work on your behalf to fully restore your identity to pre-theft condition.   taking place during
               ID  Watchdog  will  proactively  monitor  Credit,  Non-Credit Loans,  Public records,
                                                                                         with a majority of the work
               Internet, and National Provider ID.
                                                                                         business hours.
               Monitor  your  credit  report  and  alert  you  when  any  changes  are  detected,
                                                                                         50% of victims say their
               maintaining an entire alert history for as long as you keep your account.
                                                                                         credit/ debit card was
               Monitor  new  account  applications from checking,  savings,  brokerage,  wireless
                                                                                         negatively impacted.

               retail  charge  card,  utility,  payday,  auto,  home  loans,  and  credit  card

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