Page 13 - 2023 SpecialtyCare Hawaii Benefit Guide
P. 13

2023 Benefits Guide

        Voluntary Short-Term Disability Insurance Coverage

        The goal of the disability plan is to provide you   Coverage            Benefit
        with income replacement should you become        Voluntary Short-Term   ◼  Covers 60% of your base annual
        disabled  and  unable  to  work  due  to  a  non-  Disability               earnings to a maximum of
        work-related  illness  or  injury.  SpecialtyCare                           $3,750 weekly
        provides  the  option  to  purchase  Short  Term                        ◼  Benefit begins 15 days after
        Disability coverage through NY Life.                                        accident or sickness and
                                                                                    continues for a maximum of 26
        You  must  elect  coverage  when  you  are  first                           weeks
        eligible for coverage, or you will be required to                       ◼  3/12 pre-existing condition
        go  through  the  Evidence  of  Insurability  (EOI)                         limitation
        application  process  and  answer  questions     *For the enrollment period of 11/21-12/9 2022, associates may enroll in Voluntary Short-Term
        about your health*.                              Disability coverage up to the guaranteed issue amount without the EOI application
                                                         requirement for 2023.

        Voluntary Long-Term Disability Insurance Coverage
        SpecialtyCare provides the option to purchase    Coverage                Benefit
        Long Term Disability coverage through NY Life.   Voluntary Long-Term     ◼  Covers 60% of your base
                                                         Disability                  annual earnings to a maximum
        You  must  elect  coverage  when  you  are  first                            of $15,000 monthly
        eligible for coverage, or you will be required to                        ◼  Benefit begins after six months
        go  through  the  Evidence  of  Insurability  (EOI)                          of disability
        application  process  and  answer  questions                             ◼  3/12 pre-existing condition
        about your health.                                                           limitation

                                                         *For the enrollment period of 11/21-12/9 2022, associates may enroll in Voluntary Long-Term
                                                         Disability coverage up to the guaranteed issue amount without the EOI application
                                                         requirement for 2023.

          SpecialtyCare is not sponsoring or endorsing any of the following voluntary benefits.

        Voluntary Critical Illness-Cigna

        You can't predict the future, but you can plan for it. Group Voluntary Critical Illness Insurance can help give you
        the power to take control of your health when faced with a covered illness. This insurance pays benefits for non-
        medical, critical illness-related expenses that health insurance might not cover. The cash benefit is a lump sum
        payment, payable to the employee after a covered diagnosis.

         PLAN DESCRIPTION     BENEFITS                                               Plan 1          Plan 2
         Covered Conditions   ◼  Heart Attack (100%)                                 Up to $10,000   $Up to 20,000
                              ◼  Stroke (100%)
                              ◼  Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (25%)
                              ◼  Major Organ Failure (100%)
                              ◼  End-Stage Renal Failure (100%)
                              ◼  Invasive Cancer (100%)
                              ◼  Coma (100%)
                              ◼  Paralysis (100%)
                              ◼  Advanced Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Disease (25%)

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