Page 4 - 2023 Down East Wood Ducks - Benefits Guide.docx_Neat
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        What is a Family Status Change?                            Eligible Dependents
        A  family  status  change  is  a  life  event  that  may  allow  an   Your  dependent  must  meet  one  of  the  following
        employee  to  add  or  drop  coverage.  The  change  must  be   definitions:
        consistent  with  the  event  and  documentation  must  be
        provided to Human Resources within 30 days.                Spouse: Your legally married husband or wife
                                                                   Child(ren): children to age 26 (married or unmarried)
        Family status changes are:
            •   Marriage                                           Children  include  natural  children,  stepchildren,  legally
            •   Divorce                                            adopted  children,  children  placed  for  adoption,  and
            •   Birth                                              children who you are legally appointed as guardian.
            •   Adoption
            •   Death                                              Disabled Child: an unmarried child who is mentally or
            •   Child reaching age 26                              physically handicapped (handicap sustained before the
            •   Child’s loss of eligibility on another pan         age of 25) and incapable of engaging in self-sustaining
            •   Spouse’s gain or loss of other coverage            employment due to such incapacity and is listed as a
                                                                   dependent on your IRS tax return.
        NOTE:  A family status change allows a plan change.
                                                                   A child is terminated from medical, dental, vision and
        All  payroll  deductions/refunds  due  resulting  from  plan   life  insurance  coverages  the  last  day  of  the  month
        changes will be taken on the next paycheck. Deductions and   he/she attains age 26.
        refunds are based on the effective date of the change.

                     Eligible                     Documents Required                           Due

                   Dependents                         for Enrollment                           Date
                      Spouse                         Marriage License                        30 Days
                  *Child/Stepchild                    Birth Certificate                      30 Days

                                               Adoption Documents & Birth
                  *Adopted Child                                                             30 Days
                                              Placement Documents & Birth
            *Child Placed for Adoption                                                       30 Days
                                              Notification from State Attorney
          *Qualified Medial Support Order                                           As directed by AG’s notice
          Child age 26 or over incapable
           of self-sustaining employment
            due to a mental or physical       Attending Physician Statement                  30 Days
                                        *Dependents must be less than 26 years old

           Note:    Enrolling someone who is not qualified as a dependent is considered insurance fraud.

        2023 Down East Wood Ducks Benefit Guide                                                                Page 4
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