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How Do I Access the EAP?
Email:; download the Lifeworks app from your app NEW THIS YEAR
store; or call: English service — 1.800.387.4765, French service — 1.800.361.5676. LifeWorks partners with
Wello to provide 24/7
Is There a Cost? Virtual Telemedicine to EMPLOYER-PAID BENEFITS
Short-term counselling and Work-Life Programs are free of charge as they are part of serve your family for any
health need through their
your benefits package and are paid for by AEO.
confidential, secure vid-
eo platform that you can
Occasionally there is more benefit in referring individuals to an external service. access using your com-
These referrals are made with consideration of your group benefits program, afford- puter or phone. Register
ability, location, and best solution for the issue. Some costs for these services may be ahead of time, so that you
covered under the paramedical portion of your medical benefit or eligible for claim can have this resource in-
under the Health Care Spending Account.
stantly available when you
need it.
Rethink • Receive attention
Rethink, is our new family support benefit, offering 24/7 access to consultations for your issue within
with a dedicated learning and behavior expert and unlimited access to step-by-step 20 minutes, and then
videos, resources, and exclusive content developed to help your family understand, take the first available
teach, and communicate with your child. Rethink specializes in helping those caring appointment or sched-
for children with learning, social, or behavioral challenges, but anyone who needs ule a session at a time
parenting support can benefit from the program. convenient for you.
• AEO has removed
Developed by highly experienced clinicians, educators, and leaders in the field of the barriers to care
developmental disabilities, the Rethink program includes: by providing this
• A comprehensive video library with over 1,500 easy-to-follow teaching steps convenient service
based on principles of ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). at no charge to you.
Avoid an ER visit,
• Assessments and learning plans that are customized for each child’s specific crowded walk-in
needs, to help guide parents and caregivers on how to teach skills and clinics, and long
decrease problem behaviors effectively. waits for doctor’s
• A training center consisting of 11 video modules showing best practice, appointments by
research-based teaching strategies. Created with parents and caregivers in logging on to
mind, each step-by-step video module is concise, engaging and jargon free.
• One-on-one virtual consultations with our team of behavioral therapists and
special educators.
• No diagnosis or medical background documentation required — simply set up
your account and start teaching your child immediately!
Access to the Rethink portal is 100% paid by AEO. This resource can be used
by you, your immediate family members, and any professional supporting your
child’s development.
Sign up for your Rethink account at: using sign up
code: “AEO”.
It is our sincere hope that these benefits will contribute
to the physical, social, and emotional well-being of you
and your family.
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