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AEO Merchandise Discount
FYI All Associates are eligible for the AEO/Aerie merchandise discount upon hire of 40% off
The resources listed below regular priced & promotional merchandise, and 25% off permanent markdowns, # for $
put important benefits infor- deals, BOGO, or percentage-off redlined merchandise. Your immediate family (spouse &
mation at your fingertips: dependent children in the same household) are entitled to your normal discount privilege
for all purchases for themselves or for you. Children must be accompanied by you or
AEO Benefits
Overview video your spouse when making a purchase. Bona fide gifts may be purchased by you or your
immediate family using the regular Associate discount.
Canada_BO21-22 Associates are not required to purchase or wear AEO/Aerie merchandise.
AEO Benefits
Wellness video Business Travel Accident Insurance The nature of the retail industry requires certain Associates to travel out-of-country
Canada-Well-Being_21-22 as a regular part of their work. AEO Canada provides added financial protection for
MobileWallet business travelers through Business Travel Insurance. This extra coverage, fully fund-
ed by the Company, provides financial protection and security to Associates and their
https://www.mymobile families in the event they become seriously ill or injured anywhere in the world while
aeocanada/ travelling on authorized Company business. Business Travel Accident Insurance is
offered by Chubb Insurance.
AEO Academy Basic Life Insurance
Manulife Portal The Basic Life Insurance benefit provides all RPT and FT Associates with life insurance
https://wwwec7.manulife. coverage in the amount of 100% of their benefit earnings to the next higher thousand
com/signin/ (or a minimum of $20 000). RPT and FT Associates will be automatically enrolled in the
Basic Life Insurance benefit on the first of the month after a 30-day waiting period from
date of hire.
Basic Accidental Death & Dismemberment
(AD&D) Insurance
All benefit-eligible Associates will be automatically enrolled in the Basic Accidental
Death & Dismemberment Insurance benefit on the first of the month after a 30-day
waiting period from date of hire. The benefit may provide coverage should the
employee pass away, lose a limb, become paralyzed, or lose their hearing, speech,
or sight as a result of an accident. The coverage comes in the amount of 50% of
benefit earnings rounded to the next higher thousand. AD&D benefits are offered
through Chubb Insurance.
Short-Term Disability
AEO provides short-Term Disability (STD) benefits to all RPT and FT Associates after
6 consecutive months of RPT or FT employment. This benefit offers continued income
should a non–work-related injury or illness keep you off work for more than a week at a
time. STD benefits are payable from the 2nd week (6th consecutive working day) of an
absence. The first week (5 working days) can be covered by using paid sick leave. If you
have used your sick days for the year already, those days will be unpaid.
2022 AEO FT HO Book CAN ENG 3.indd 4 2/13/22 9:09 AM