Page 15 - 2022 Mersen Benefit Guide New Hires Final
P. 15
Dental Plan
The Dental Plan (PDP) is administered by MetLife and offers access to in and out-of-network providers for dental services such as
cleanings, preventive services as well as basic and major services. A comparison of the two plan options is noted below. Always
keep in mind that in-network services/providers will save you money and offer a large network to choose from.
High Option Low Option
Plan Provisions In-Network Out-of-Network In-Network Out-of-Network
Annual Deductible
$50/$150 $50/$150
Calendar Year Maximum $2,000 $1,000
Orthodontia Lifetime Maximum $1,500 per individual N/A
Diagnostic and Preventive Services
Covered at 100% Covered at 100%
(e.g., X-rays, cleanings, exams)
Basic and Restorative Services 80%* 80%*
(e.g., fillings)
Major Services
50%* N/A
(e.g., dentures, crowns, bridges)
Orthodontia 50%* for children under age 26 N/A
*After deductible
Orthodontia for dependent children only
Vision Plan
The Vision Care Plan is administered by Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Davis Vision and covers a wide range of vision-
related services and products; network of access points, including both private practice and leading retail chain providers.
Highmark BCBS Davis Vision Plan
Plan Provision In-Network Out-of-Network
Covered 100%
Exam Up to $30 off
(There is a hardware copay of $10)
$120 allowance Up to $30
Fashion/Premier level frames
100%/$25 copay N/A
from “The Collection”
Single vision lenses Up to $25 off
Bifocal lenses Covered 100% Up to $35 off
Trifocal lenses Up to $45 off
Contact Lenses
Elective Covered 100% Up to $225 off
Medically necessary N/A
Exam 12 Months 12 Months
Lenses 12 Months 12 Months
Frames 12 Months 12 Months
For more information, please review your benefit summary.
PLEASE NOTE: Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement should refer to their union agreement to determine if they are eligible for these plans.