Page 20 - 2022 Mersen Benefit Guide New Hires Final
P. 20

Additional Benefits

            My Secure Advantage
           MSA Can help support the financial health of your household, at no additional cost to you.  My Secure Advantage program
           includes Money Coaching, Identity Theft Protection and Will Preparation services. Call (888) 724-2262, Monday - Friday from
           9:00 am – 11:00 pm EST (6:00 am – 8:00 pm PST) to speak with a MSA representative. All you’ll need to give is your name, city,
           state, zip code and the name of your employer or plan sponsor. You can also visit for more
           information, or to register and access online tools and educational resources and create legal documents

           Survivor Assurance Program
           At New York Life Group Benefit Solutions (NYLGBS), we know losing a loved one is difficult. And we understand how challenging
           it can be for beneficiaries to manage their loved one’s insurance benefits among other pressures during such a difficult time.
           That’s why, as part of NYLGBS Survivor Assurance program, we offer services to support beneficiaries when they need it most. If
           you have any questions about your NYLGBS Survivor Assurance Program, call (800) 570-3778 weekdays between 8am and 7pm

           Zurich Travel Assistance
           Providing access to emergency medical, informational, legal and personal assistance while traveling 100 or more miles from
           home. Contact within the U.S. or Canada (800) 263-0261 or collect for all other countries (416) 977-0277. When calling please
           identify yourself as an insured of Zurich in North America and provide the policy number: ZE 0164455 and company name:
           Mersen USA Holding Corp.

           Mersen Educational Assistance
           Mersen provides educational assistance by reimbursing you for eligible education expenses that prepare you for advancement
           within Mersen. Classes must be taken outside of your normal work schedule at an accredited educational institution that offers
           professional and/or technical courses (excluding correspondence or secretarial schools). You must apply for and receive approval
           through your site HR manager for the course(s) prior to taking any classes. You must also complete and pass the course(s) while
           employed by Mersen.

           Mersen Service Award Program
           The Service Award Program recognizes employees for their dedication and service to Mersen. You are eligible for a service award
           on the fifth anniversary of your date of hire and every five years thereafter.

           Family Medical Leave
           Mersen provides Family and Medical Leave to its eligible employees (after one year or 1250 hours of employment). The company
           posts the mandatory FMLA Notice and upon hire provides all new employees with notices required by the U.S. Department of
           Labor (DOL) on Employee Rights and Responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act. This act was created and designed
           for employees to balance their work and family life by taking unpaid, job-protected leave for specific family and medical reasons,
           which allows your benefits to stay in place, and guarantees reinstatement to the same or equivalent position.

           Under this policy, Mersen may grant up to 12 weeks to attend to the serious health condition of the employee, parent, spouse
           or child, or for the pregnancy or care of a newborn child, or for the adoption or foster care of a child (or up to 26 weeks of military
           caregiver leave to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness) or illness if the eligible employee is the
           service member’s spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin (military caregiver leave) during a 12-month period to eligible
           employees. The leave may be paid, unpaid or a combination of paid and unpaid leave, depending on the circumstances of the
           leave and as specified in this policy and State benefits. FMLA runs concurrent to any approved employee short term or long-term
           disability leave. For non-illness related employee health leave requests, employees must see their local HR manager.

           Employees are required to use any vacation or sick time prior to going unpaid for the benefits and should speak with their HR
           Manager regarding their leave and any specific State leave regulations.

           Check with your local HR to see if you are eligible for any State Paid FMLA.

           PLEASE NOTE: Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement should refer to their union agreement to determine if they are eligible for these plans.
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