Page 31 - 2022 DPR Construction Benefit Guide_Craft Employees
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Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
         OREGON – Medicaid
         Website:   According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub.            L. 104-13) (PRA), no persons are required to respond to a
         Phone: 1-800-699-9075                                    collection of information unless such collection displays
         PENNSYLVANIA – Medicaid                                  a valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control
         Website:  number. The Department notes that a Federal agency cannot
         HIPP-Program.aspx                                        conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it is
         Phone: 1-800-692-7462                                    approved by OMB under the PRA, and displays a currently
         RHODE ISLAND – Medicaid and CHIP                         valid OMB control number, and the public is not required
         Website:                        to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a
         Phone: 1-855-697-4347, or 401-462-0311 (Direct RIte Share Line)  currently valid OMB control number. See 44 U.S.C. 3507. Also,
         SOUTH CAROLINA – Medicaid                                notwithstanding any other provisions of law, no person shall
                                                                  be subject to penalty for failing to comply with a collection of
         Phone: 1-888-549-0820                                    information if the collection of information does not display a
                                                                  currently valid OMB control number. See 44 U.S.C. 3512.
         SOUTH DAKOTA – Medicaid
         Website:                               The public reporting burden for this collection of information
         Phone: 1-888-828-0059                                    is estimated to average approximately seven minutes per
         TEXAS – Medicaid                                         respondent. Interested parties are encouraged to send
                                                                  comments regarding the burden estimate or any other
         Phone: 1-800-440-0493                                    aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions
                                                                  for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor,
         UTAH – Medicaid and CHIP
                                                                  Employee Benefits Security Administration, Office of
         Medicaid Website:             Policy and Research, Attention: PRA Clearance Officer, 200
         CHIP Website:                Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-5718, Washington, DC
         Phone: 1-877-543-7669
                                                                  20210 or email and reference the OMB
         VERMONT– Medicaid                                        Control Number 1210-0137.
         Phone: 1-800-250-8427                                    Medicare Part D – Creditable Coverage
         VIRGINIA – Medicaid and CHIP
         Website:         Important Notice from DPR Construction about
                         Your Prescription Drug Coverage and Medicare
         Medicaid Phone: 1-800-432-5924
         CHIP Phone:    1-800-432-5924                            Please read this notice carefully and keep it where you
         WASHINGTON – Medicaid                                    can find it. This notice has information about your current
                                                                  prescription drug coverage with DPR Construction and about
         Phone: 1-800-562-3022                                    your options under Medicare’s prescription drug coverage.
                                                                  This information can help you decide whether or not you want
         WEST VIRGINIA – Medicaid
                                                                  to join a Medicare drug plan. If you are considering joining,
         Website:                            you should compare your current coverage, including which
         Toll-free phone: 1-855-MyWVHIPP (1-855-699-8447)
                                                                  drugs are covered at what cost, with the coverage and costs
         WISCONSIN – Medicaid and CHIP                            of the plans offering Medicare prescription drug coverage in
         Website:                                                 your area. Information about where you can get help to make  decisions about your prescription drug coverage is at the end
         Phone: 1-800-362-3002
                                                                  of this notice.
         WYOMING – Medicaid
                                                                  There are two important things you need to know about your
         Website:  current coverage and Medicare’s prescription drug coverage:
         Phone: 1-800-251-1269                                    1.  Medicare prescription drug coverage became available
                                                                    in 2006 to everyone with Medicare. You can get this
        To see if any other states have added a premium assistance   coverage if you join a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
        program since July 31, 2021, or for more information on     or join a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO)
        special enrollment rights, contact either:                  that offers prescription drug coverage. All Medicare drug
                                                                    plans provide at least a standard level of coverage set by
        U.S. Department of Labor
        Employee Benefits Security Administration                   Medicare. Some plans may also offer more coverage for a                                   higher monthly premium.
        1-866-444-EBSA (3272)                                     2.  DPR Construction has determined that the prescription

        U.S. Department of Health and Human Services                drug coverage offered by the DPR Construction Health
        Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services                    & Welfare Plan is, on average for all plan participants,                                             expected to pay out as much as standard Medicare
        1-877-267-2323, Menu Option 4, Ext. 61565
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